
How Do I Get My ex To Come Back?

By G. Thompson

Before you try to get your ex back, if you don't want to repeat the same mistakes, you need to figure out why they left in the first place. You started out good. What behavior of your own do you need to look at and perhaps change.

Were you there for your partner emotionally? Did you give your mate compliments daily. Did you make your mate feel good about themselves in your presence? Were you so self absorbed in your relationship that you failed to be that person that said you look good today? Did you tell them small things like you have a nice smile? You like it when someone makes you feel good. Doesn't your mate deserve that same feeling? If you don't make them feel emotionally good in your presence someone else will.

Secondly, people like to feel like they matter in your life. They like to feel like they are needed. We like to feel like if we were gone there are things about us that would be missed. We all can be replaced,but we don't want to think that we can be replaced. Do you ever miss the player who never leaves the bench? Don't run a relationship sitting on the bench. Just because you got the uniform and team name doesn't make you the star player.

Thirdly, people are attracted to people who make them feel special. When you first met your mate you catered to your potential mate in little ways. You did this to win them into your world. Guess what, you can't stop. Unless you want to be replaced. It is the small things that count the most. If you want your ex back and want your ex to stay you must pay close attention to the little things that gives them pleasure, comfort or satisfaction.

An example of little things could be something, as small as; setting the table before dinner, picking up their favorite candy bar at the store, taking their car to get washed, or filled with gas. All these little things say constantly, I love you enough to think about what you want. That is special. Flowers are great also but it's the small things that keep saying I care, you are special to me.

After you determine what you did wrong, on your part you need a plan to get your ex back. You need to know what to say or not say so that you can get in there and repair some damage. Suppose they won't even answer your phone call. If you want to get your ex back, it is possible, you may need some guidance. You should watch this video, to help you plan the steps needed to get your ex to return. The video reveals three things that guarantee your lover will return even if they haven't left physically yet.

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