
Astrological Compatibility - The Astrology of Relationship, Part I - Aspects

By Visjack Nick

Astrology can teach us much about our relationships with others if we spend some time owning to know the symbolic language on a more intimate level. Commonly as soon as men and women speak of astrological compatibility they're speaking of their sun signs only. What you will often hear is "I am a Leo and I typically don't get along with Scorpios" or "I am a Virgo and Pisces people extremely drive me crazy." What is missing here, of course, is an understanding of what it is about other individuals that extremely challenges us on a deeper level

To get a clearer understanding of astrological compatibility it's necessary to delve into 2 facets of astrology: the things and also the aspects. The issues we use in astrology are fire, water, air and earth. Every astrological sign falls into 1 of these categories. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are the fire signs which are generally associated with our potential to perceive on an intuitive level. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are water signs which relate for the emotional aspects of our being. Libra, Aquarius and Gemini are all air signs and correspond to the mental or intellectual plane. And finally, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo are the earth signs and relate towards physical or sensate qualities we possess.

The aspects are the interrelationships or dynamics that exist in between the elements. The aspects determine the relative ease or "dis-ease" where the points will operate. For example, in Figure One I have laid out the issues in their natural relationships. As you'll be able to see fire and air and water and earth oppose each other (180 degrees apart). In addition each element is squared (in a 90 degree relationship) with each of the other elements. These 2 relationships, the opposition and square are probably the most hard with the aspects between the elements. Does this mean then that in case you happen being an Aries (a fire sign) that every earth, water and air sign you meet will probably be a challenge to you in some way? Fortunately not!

In Figures 2, Three and 4, I've laid out 3 diagrams of how the signs aspect or interrelate with every other. To interpret these examples all you do is discover your birth sign and compare that of the other signs on your specific diagram. Using the Aries birth, for example, you'd discover that your relationships with Cancer, Libra and Capricorn would be challenging. Another water, air and earth signs within the remaining diagrams would not be as difficult and, in most cases, would be relatively smooth going.

This is since as an Aries you'd be in certain aspect (trine) on the other fire signs and positive aspect (sextile) in the other air signs outside of one's diagram. Similarly, in case you are a Taurus you'll find it more tough being around Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius and easier to become around the other earth signs and water signs outside of the very own diagram.

To demonstrate how these principles operate inside a relationship I'd like to share with you the dynamics of a couple I worked with a few years ago. She was a Scorpio with 5 of her ten planets in that sign and he was a Taurus of the exact same quantity of planets in Taurus. As you can see inside diagram Taurus and Scorpio are opposite each other and theirs was a traditional instance on the opposition relationship. In this sort of relationship, that is certainly extremely common, (remember the old adage, opposites attract?) the couple usually draws the opposite to them to your purpose of healing and becoming whole. What happens many times though, is how the couple ends up spending most of their time making another person's fact wrong!

In this situation she was the emotionally expressive one inside relationship and tended to be sort of "spacey" and quite ungrounded in her body. He was the epitome with the "classic" rational "I do not feel it unless I see it" kind of guy. He wasn't interested or capable at the time of "being with" her deep, emotional material and she wasn't in a position to see the certain aspects of his earthy qualities. This can be not to say how the opposition relationship won't work. It is just a lot more tough because it requires that both partners honor and accept the gift that their partner is offering them. It also takes good discipline to consciously develop the parts of ourselves which is more than produced in our partner so that we don't need them being whole ourselves.

The square relationship can be really well-known and I call it the "growth via confrontation" relationship. The crux of this relationship is that each partner challenges another to retain growing always through confrontation and conflict! Within the square relationship it often looks that the couple undermines and thwarts the most intentions of every other. The positive side of this kind of relationship is that it provides plenty of energy and motivation to break out of old methods of relating. The only problem is that it is really painful for all of those involved. Nevertheless, for those that are incredibly committed to growing each individually and as being a couple and who like a good deal of fireworks in their relationship, the square relationship can also be extremely dynamic and can create plenty of breakthroughs.

The conjunct relationship, or relationships that share the exact same sign, are the most rare and one of the most challenging. Because each partner is similar in quite a few ways there is a compelling pull to merge on the other and to blur the boundaries that give rise to individuality. Objectivity tends to obtain thrown out the window and it becomes very challenging for your couple to distinguish wherever they stand in relation to each other. The reward of this balancing act is often a relationship that reflects a singleness of purpose, and an intensity that provides motivation for accomplishing significantly together.

Interestingly sufficient the "easier" relationships, the trine relationship (both partners during the exact same element) and also the sextile relationship (fire with any air outside one's own diagram, or water with any earth element outside one's unique diagram) are not as favorite as the much more difficult relationships we've been discussing. Perhaps this accounts for your high divorce rate that exists in this country! Perhaps we choose the challenging relationships to move beyond what our familiar patterns of relationship have been. Because 1 on the gifts of becoming in relationship will be the opportunity to grow each individually and in relation to others possibly we need that extra challenge to extremely motivate us to change and grow.

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How to greatly improve your communication

By Gerald Tynan

Anyone can increase their communication skills. There's much more to understand about conversation and relationships than any of us could realize. You'll find talk shows; radio programs; clubs dedicated to public speaking; ordinary conversations; whatever kind of interaction you select. Certain rules always apply with regards to interaction through words, and it's all within the attitude.

1. What you know

You need to be clear by what you know and that which you don't. Talking at length about a subject you know hardly anything about may become embarrassing. In the same way, its smart to take an honest look at yourself and become conscious of your own weaknesses and strengths. Using your strengths is important in most kinds of relationships.

2. Listening

Asking questions is a great way to begin a conversation, as long as they are not too intrusive. Bear in mind to listen to the answers! Some people simply pass from one question to the next like an interviewer. Remember, conversation is really a two-way process. Your next remark should arise from what the body else has stated in reaction to your original question.

3. Humility

All of us get some things wrong, and sometimes it is important to acknowledge them. Of course, you shouldn't continually be putting yourself down, and there's no have to highlight your bad points. If you have said something out of line or out of place, simply apologize and move ahead.

4. Eye Contact

When talking with one individual, eye contact is key - try not to stare. Staring is going to be felt as aggression by the other person. If you are talking to a group of people inside a meeting or perhaps a gathering, make sure to move your gaze around the group to include everybody.

5. Kidding around

Some humor can do wonders to lift the tension, or worse, boredom while you are speaking. It wakes people up, and laughing will make them feel happier. However, there's nothing worse than the usual joke that falls flat. Practice your jokes on the safe audience such as your loved ones before adding these to a prepared speech.

6. Be interested in others

When it comes to the crunch, the very first priority for many people is our own selves, then the people that we feel belong to us. It will take some wisdom to be truly thinking about an individual who is extremely different without attempting to put them down or prove that our own strategy is better. How can you relate to people of the different race, nationality or sexual orientation? Are you able to be interested without being intrusive or critical?

7. Me, myself and I

Many people like the sound of their own voice and talk about themselves until others fall asleep or run screaming from the room. You're not one of those people ... right?

8. Having a smile

A smile, like eye contact, can make an instant connection with someone else. It can make them feel good and establishes friendly relations. Don't restrain on smiling - you've got nothing to get rid of.

9. A role model

There must be at least one or two people in your lifetime who really impress you with the method in which they create a speech or relate to other people. Rather than be a slave to wondering the reason why you can't be exactly the same way, watch the way they actually do it. Act like them and pretty soon, you could have the same success.

10. Preparation

Whether you are making a speech or going to a party, some preparation is definitely worthwhile. For speaking in public, make notes and practice your speech. Whether it's a party, ask the host a couple of questions concerning the individuals that will be there. Remember, preparation creates effortless communication.

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How To Create The Wedding Of Your Dreams

By Paula Shahan

When you decide to get married, you are the happiest you've ever been in your life. Unfortunately for many, planning for the wedding starts to make them stressed and miserable, ruining what should be a wonderful time of your life. Here are some wedding tips to make sure that your wedding is everything you want it to be.

Weddings are similar to many other major life decisions in that they have a financial cost. However, because a wedding is an exceptionally emotional event, it is easy once you begin planning to go overboard and spend more than you can afford. Before beginning the planning process, it is important to set a budget with your significant other and stick to it. While a wedding is a special event, remember that you are not marrying the debt!

Use people that you know and trust for referrals. When it comes to hiring anyone to help with your wedding (catering, musician), you don't want to just trust that any person can get the job done to your satisfaction. Ask your friends who they used, and then make sure to give the company a visit while they are working so you can get an accurate feel of the job they do.

Having kids at your wedding? Have you considered what they're going to eat? Let your caterer know how many children are going to be at the reception and ask him to prepare a kids meal just for them. They'll be excited to get familiar food and you'll enjoy the savings based on smaller portions.

If you plan to write your own wedding vows, start writing early. These are the vows you will speak to the person you love. You want them to be perfect, and getting them that way takes time. Give yourself a couple of months. Write down ideas first, and then the vows themselves. The results will be heartfelt and perfect.

It is important that the bride and groom have fun while at their wedding. You need to know that this day is for celebration and not for agony, even if everything doesn't go exactly as planned it is important to stay positive and have a good time. Don't let the little things get to you!

Your wedding shouldn't be causing stress; it should be a happy time. Use these tips to make sure that your wedding goes well by planning ahead, relaxing and remembering the reason for the occasion. Your wedding is the beginning of your life with the person you love, and will go well if you plan ahead.

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Some Tips to Help Ease the Pain of Relationship Break Ups

By Jonathan Kane

It's a crappy feeling whenever ones own romance comes to an end how do we control a awful break-up? You cannot simply stick on the content disguise and conceal ones own agony from society. Don't increase ones own issues by disregarding your emotions within, this is not healthy for you. It's Okay to allow your self to control the distress, this can be the fastest way of getting ones own life back again.

Should you retain ones own angriness within you may trigger additional emotionally charged harm to your self. Jotting out ones own emotions inside a journal may enable you to keep an eye on ones own psychological development. The easiest method to control ones own suppressed feelings would be to recognize all of them, then discharge all of them permanently.

Yes, it feels like the agony may in no way stop, however it may, therefore you should tell your self that daily, regularly. Avoid the need to hurry thru treatment and claim your self healed, you may not trick your self, simply hold your self back. Don't disregard the useful wisdom you gained, or else you are determined to replicate those errors.

Do not hesitate to search out guidance out of ones own friends inside an internet break up guidance discussion board, you may acquire help and keep privacy. Making new friends with individuals on-line which tend to be enduring the exact same break-up feelings may demonstrate which you tend to be certainly not on your own .

You do not need Doctor Phil to tell you that feeling angry all the time is not healthy for you, or anyone around you. If you do not take measures to treat your negative attitude, it could become a permanent condition. Consistent positive thinking has great benefits, both mentally and physically. The subconscious mind holds onto whatever thoughts it has until they are replaced with newer thoughts, make those new thoughts positive, and watch your life change for the better. Change the way you think, and you will change every aspect of your life. Try doing a search on You Tube for subliminal programming, and you will come across a plethora of free videos that you can use right away.

By confronting your failed relationship, and seeing the truth for what it is, you will heal so much faster, and end this misery. You are only a victim as long as you agree to remain one, it is a choice in most cases. The things you will learn from your breakup will be invaluable to you in your next romantic partnership.

Educate yourself out of ones own past marriage errors so that you don't be taken in by them down the road. There isn't any good reason to hurry back to a dynamic dating life, however you should not wait a long time as well. This break-up has established the possibility for any totally new existence for you, don't squander this chance. Step out of ones own house, apartment, and shell, and enjoy yourself together with your friends. Have trust in your self, along with romance and you may be amazed.

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