
Are your Treating Her Like a Princess?

By Margaret Hardisty

I've told many of guys that they need to do this in order to make their marriages fantastic. When I do, most get this blank look in their eyes, like they're wondering what in the world I'm talking about. And frankly, most don't. They're clueless. What they don't know is that it takes very little to make a woman feel special, and the benefits to the relationship are so wonderful that most men can't believe it is so simple.

So what can you do? Here are four things - simple, easy, subtle yet powerful. We know they'll work.

1. When you go somewhere, it doesn't matter if you are on a date or you are driving to the supermarket, treat her like a gentleman would treat a lady. That means that you open doors for her, at the house, car, or the store. When she goes to sit down, at the kitchen table, or in a restaurant, help her with her chair. When you walk down the street, you walk on the traffic side.

2. Periodically, for no reason whatsoever, bring her a gift. It doesn't have to be expensive, it can be simple. Make sure the gift is something that she wants, not something that you want. If you don't know what she wants, find out.

3. Compliment her. Find something about the way she looks, how she's dressed or something that she does that you really like. Tell her how much you admire that particular thing.

4. Listen to her. Men - hear me on this one - this is very, very important. Listening to her means that when you talk to her you look her in the eye. You hear what she is really saying - not the words necessarily - the emotion behind the words.

Simple? Yes and no. Every man on the brink of divorce may have heard those things before. He knew he needed to be doing them - but he didn't. If you want to save your marriage, start with these four things. If you want to know how to use them in a way that will change your marriage in a matter of weeks, go see our site. People have used our material and saved their marriages for over 37 years.

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The Importance of Proper Poker Etiquette

By Thomas Kearns

It may sound obvious to some that playing any game with other people requires some basic sense of decency and poise. Well-designed software will usually bear the brunt of your aggression and impatience with saintly resignation and if your purpose for playing poker is to get rid of pent up emotion or to redirect frustration you had better stick to customized bot opponents. But it is surprising the amount of people who behave like bullies and hillbillies, sometimes in the belief that it is a manner of bluffing.

A lot about a person can be ascertained by his behavior, especially when involved with other players in a game of poker. The expert player comes off as focused and purposeful in his manner, even though he may be politely brisk. He is there for an honest, competitive game of quality poker. As for the student of the game, the more sincere, purposeful and focused he is, the better the chances that he is following the basic rules of etiquette.

A professional is known as one because of his demeanor as well as expertise in his field. He knows a pleasant atmosphere creates a winning one - for him. Experience has taught professional poker players that insulting the rookie not only endangers this pleasant environment but also cuts into their profits. The rookie can be a most profitable opponent.

When playing online with live opponents instead of bots, etiquette is just as important. The key factor in online games is to minimize chat. Sending and responding to messages can reveal much about yourself and your hand. The interpretation of messages flying about can also be very misleading. Messages may offer a major distraction to the game at hand. You may want to politely end all chatting for a time or for the entire round..

By incessantly chatting, you may be revealing your level of mastery (or lack thereof) to your opponents. This is not good for your game whatever your level may be. Being discreet is usually a good idea, but especially so in poker.

Always be polite but save the salacious stuff for the water cooler. You will be doing the table a favor. An online poker game is not a chat room and treating it as such wastes time and opportunity. Negative language will not achieve any goal. It will only pollute the atmosphere and you want to keep the atmosphere pure and neutral.

Attempting to anger your opponents into better play is a tactic that just doesn't work and may backfire by showing the table your actual level of ability. Believe it or not, blatant rudeness is officially taboo in most online poker rooms.

If you must type a message, avoid doing so in upper case. This comes across as shouting or expressing yourself in an intensely emotional vein, which has no place in a game of cards. This is the mark of an immature player and reveals much more about your true self than you intended. No matter what, be cool, and never let anyone see you sweat.

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How To Attract Girls With A Seductive Touch

By Jon Sinn

Do you know how to attract girls with body language? It's not all about eye contact or a confident, relaxed pose. Probably about a third of the whole game is knowing how to touch them in just the right ways to successfully set the stage for sex.

First, be sure that you always touch the girl right when you first meet her. Even if you are talking to a group of girls, you'll want to give a few of them some kind of light touch. You don't have to touch every single one though. But make sure you're touching more than just one girl.

It's key to touch the girl from the front or side, not from behind. If you touch from the behind, this could upset the girl and cause her to leave. And there's just no way she's going to sleep with you if she's already walked away, obviously.

At first, there's nothing sexual about your touching. It should be non-sexual at first. Do things you'd do to your sister like: a soft push, a flick of the fingers or a light touch on the arm.

At first, you'll touch the woman lightly to get her more comfortable with you. Later, you'll touch her in more flirtatious and sexual ways. Touch is so powerful that it alone can do most of the seducing for you. So it is important not to forget about this.

If it's too flirtatious and sexual at the beginning, she'll just think it's too much. Then, you're like a dog jumping all over her and there's nothing attractive about that. At this stage in the seduction, everything you do should you as relaxed, friendly, comfortable and confident. Don't let any desperation, neediness or awkwardness show.

If all goes well and you keep a steady stream of playful touching going between you, it will be completely natural when the moment comes where you take her hand in yours or put your arm around her shoulder. This is the whole aim of touching - how to attract girls and make the physical things happen naturally.

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Managing Conflict In Everyday Relationships: Do's And Dont's In Conflict Management

By Diane Graham

Managing conflict in marriage is primarily an outgrowth of each and every spouse displaying the capability to maintain their own intellectual and emotive condition. It is actually important to point out the fact that the importance of one's awareness of inner well being in thriving a beautiful intimate relationship with the husband or wife.

Let's go over a given application to one thing couples face on a regular basis: conflicting activities. I am starving and want to go out to get some dinner whereas my wife's goal is always to neat up the house before we head out making sure that if we have the open house the day after tomorrow every thing will be perfectly. I want to leave the house at this moment and she really wants to spend an extra 20 minutes before we proceed. Does this kind of dynamic sound familiar?

In this particular instant we have disagreeing agendas. Here are my choices: Becoming triggered (aggravated) more and more aggravated, and express anything I might surely later regret upon expression., Give in to her agenda as well as leave the car and help her with her process while resenting her all in the process; I could possibly tell her that I am browsing bistro right this moment also to meet me there when she is geared up., or I really could want to do something actually different: Should I be agitated the agitation exists inside me. My tendency to be upset been around a long time before I met my spouse. Contrary to accusing her as the origin of my irritations I can basically reflect on those times during which I have been outraged before, a few things I did about it, and the result. If the outcomes of my reactions have never been adequate I possibly could ask myself personally: What will be something I can do that would certainly represent a breakthrough? Just what would the advantage be for me in my life in the event that breakthrough were to constantly happen?

As I reflected upon before occasions of agitation and my subsequent responses I remarked that persistence has never been my solid suit and my eagerness has resulted in much difficulty. While I'd been sitting in the car the idea struck me to contact the bistro and tell them I was gonna be a few minutes late and they valued my call and mentioned that it will be no problem. At this point my spouse entered the car and I also shared with her exactly what my personal approach ended up being. She leaned over and kissed me and explained simply how much she enjoyed my determination to consider a whole new approach to my impatience and just what it had meant to her. We experienced a delightful night together again substituting what would have been an evening fraught with discord, distance, and disappointed experiences.

Conflict management strategies in relationships are standard. Conflict in marriage is a signal that both spouses are; conflicted within, passing the buck to their companion for the conflict, committed to truly being right, and they are not willing to take control of experiencing another result occur. Continue towards building balanced relationships requires that every single spouse recognize the particular part they play within the clashes they experience, discover the personal studying obtainable by way of self test and attention, and display the determination to do something in innovative ways than ever previously considered.

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The Best Dating Tips Online

By Xaaviar Sabian

As most of us now lead incredibly busy lives, it can be hard to find the time to meet women and go on dates. When this is also combined with the independence and equality that most women now enjoy, the task becomes even more difficult. One way in which you can bolster your chances of getting together with the woman of your dreams would be to check out a selection of dating tips online.

Before you make a mental note of the advice that you find online, you should have an understating of what type of tips would be relevant. You would not want to focus your attention on those words of wisdom that would not be suitable for you, and which may even result in a prolonging of your current situation.

First of all you should be clear on your goals, what this means is that you should have a fixed aim, friendship or a serious relationship? This would allow you to focus your energy on finding a woman who has the same outlook. If you were to spend time developing a rapport with an individual that has a different aim, all your hard work may be wasted.

A lot of men and women now turn to the internet when it comes to finding a partner. The net has a number of inherent advantages over traditional ways of finding members of the opposite sex. When going online to chat and interact with women, you would likely be more relaxed if in your own home than when at a club or bar. Also, you can choose a time that is convenient for you. There are scores of portals you can visit for dating, just make sure you choose a selection that have clientele who you would like to meet.

If you belong to a specific group, religion, or organization, there are those sites that have been set up specifically for people like you. For example, there are Christian dating sites, portals for senior people, and also websites set up for those of us who just want to have fun. Make sure you register with a portal that is suitable for your ultimate aims.

Though there is a tendency for today's women to want to be treated as equal, it would be a mistake to behave in an ungentlemanly like manner. To impress any woman, you should come across as mentally strong, sensitive, and outgoing. If you have the right balance of these traits, the path to success will be short. On the other hand, if you were to come across as aggressive, shy, or emotionally weak, this will not work in your favor.

Dating becomes a lot simpler if you can identify what type of woman you would like to be with. Of course, you should always be realistic when doing so. You should not expect to find a supermodel through an online dating site, though there is the real potential of locating someone that you do want to spend the rest of your life with. Ask yourself whether you would want to date someone who is introverted or outgoing, quiet or full of life.

It is also important to share common interests and hobbies. When you first start dating a new woman, if you have a joint interest this can help to enhance your bond. Try and find a woman with whom you have an immediate connection.

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