
Extramarital Affair Meeting Place - How do I guess?

By Sally Webb

You have seen some signs to let you believe your partner is having an extramarital affair, but you don't know any other information or clue other than your own belief.

What, When and Where is he actually doing it - and with who?

First of all, know that the role of the third party is not as important as why he is doing it in the first place. She can be anyone he turns to due to some problems in the marriage (His problems anyway).

With that in mind though, no one can decide whether or not you should find out more information about his extramarital affair. If you want to find out, read on.

1. The Third Party

I have put this first in the list as once you have a good guess on who the other woman he is having the extramarital affair with, it is a little easier for you to find out other clues such as where and when the meeting actually take place.

So how do you find out who she is?

First step is to list down the names of people (ladies) he has mentioned recently. The good news is that there won't be a lot, and he must have mentioned the name once or twice before. This is due to the fact normally a cheating spouse did not plan his affair - hence he did not try to cover anything up right from the very beginning.

Usually the other woman has something in common with the cheating spouse, something that can lead him into the 'infatuation' stage with her. Yes, so the name will somehow be blurted out...no excuse about it.

Note: It's better if you don't freak out or show your suspicion to him too much otherwise he would be much more careful in blurting out her name.

2. The activity

Beside the actual extramarital affair intimacy, there must be something else that both he and this other woman have in common. Normally this is something that YOU don't have in common with your spouse - and it becomes the affair's connection.

Example of the activities can be sport, skateboarding, skiing, the gym etc.

3. Where does it take place?

If you have a rough idea on what he normally enjoys doing you will be able to guess it. There is a few rules associated with this including the 50 mile rule: make sure you do it 50 mile away, and the 'dangerous is safe' rule: the more dangerous it seems the safer it would be (This means he will actually meet his other woman in YOUR area - or if you live with him he'll meet his other woman in your place).

Another place is the workplace (Somewhere around his workplace).

4. When they are doing it?

Some women would ask me now: "If he dares to do it in MY OWN place - I live with him, WHEN?" especially if you're hardly on holidays.

Ok, if you live with him he sure knows your schedule - or he may have been more interested in your activity and schedule lately. As he is very close with you, he knows exactly which ones of your schedule would likely go through versus the ones that you may cancel in the last minute.

For example, if you take a sick leave on Monday - and you have been whining that you don't have enough sick leave left, he knows you will be away on Tuesday or Wednesday. Another example: If he knows you are attending your best friend's birthday party he knows you cannot get out of it.

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Getting Your Ex Back? 3 Considerations Before Rushing In

By Marc Sandford

We never appreciate what we have until we lose it. There may be a number of things about your woman that you find annoying that make you imagine how great life could be without these irritations. Often, we fall into knee-jerk patterns where the slightest thing touches off a fight over the usual grievances.

In the heat of the moment, we blurt out our desire to separate. Then the we sense the huge abyss created by her absence and we know that a terrible mistake was made. If this describes you then you need to take some time to reflect and collect your thoughts about your relationship. The following article should help to guide your thoughts.

1.) Do you have serious doubts about getting back together with your ex? If so, some careful thought about why you wish to continue your relationship is needed. Remember the reasons for the break up in the first place. Will they happen again? If so, what will you do differently? Remember, changing your behavior is very difficult.

It seems pointless to keep going if more conflicts and breakups occur in the future. Make sure that you aren't motivated out of fear of the unknown, of loneliness, or of being single. Why condemn yourself to a bad relationship when a better one is just around the corner. The worse your current circumstances are, the better the odds that any change will be an improvement.

2.) Be honest with yourself and admit to your shortcomings and actions. No matter what you did, anger makes you rationalize and justify your behavior. It will always shift the blame away from yourself. The necessary changes cannot be made until you break free of this trap.

Taking responsibility is a sign of maturity and strength. Women are attracted by this. You should never force her to accept blame for her transgressions. There's no surer way to stir up more conflict. This sort of coercion doesn't work with an adult. This is how you would treat a child, not your ex.

3.) If you want your reconciliation to last, then the improvements and changes that you've made must be permanent. Reverting back to your old ways will only cause the relationship to revert back to it's usual problems and conflicts. So don't let old habits sabotage your efforts.

Taking some time to cool off and to think is vital to deciding what to do next. What you choose to do after a breakup with your girl will have a profound impact on your future relationship. Take your time, Use your head, and then choose your next course of action.

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