
Don't Change, Nice Guys - You'll Succeed at Dating

By Mike Morton

Dating gives people the opportunity to say things they don't mean, and that can be really confusing, especially if you were expecting another 'yes' from a girl who said she enjoyed the date. For all you know, she could have been really bored or turned off, but just didn't have the heart to say it out loud. To avoid these disappointments, all you have to do is learn how to read body language, and you'll be a pro before you know it.

When you pick her up, a woman can subtly tell you how much distance she wants between you during the date. A handshake could mean she wants to get to know you more before opening up to you. A peck on the cheek could mean she trusts you enough with more personal conversation topics.

During the date, keep the conversation running. Nothing's worse than dead air. If a woman twiddles her thumbs or taps her fingers on the table, that means it's time for a topic change. If she keeps checking the time or her phone, she's definitely counting down to the end of the date, so make sure you're armed with topics you feel might pique her attention.

A woman who leans over to listen more closely to what you're saying, is interested, so make the most out of your conversation. Add a few compliments and insights here and there.

If a girl keeps her arms crossed, she's a little guarded or apprehensive about opening up to you, so keep her at ease by talking about something she can relate to. If she's not making eye contact too often, then you've got all the more reason to make sure she's comfortable. If she looks around the room, then it's time to figure out how to keep her eyes on you.

A polite smile means something completely different from an authentic smile. A polite laugh is also quite different from a true-blue burst of laughter. You're almost sure to get a second date if you can make a woman laugh, and she's probably into you if she touches her hair or smiles a lot.

Besides her actual words, the way she says them might also mean something different. Learn how to read her tone of voice so you know how to reply.

A woman might also pay attention to your body language, but nothing is more important to her than whether or not her date is actually listening to her. Besides that, if you pay attention to her body language and if you know what to do with it, then you're good to go.she might be interested. A second date is practically a sure thing if you can make her laugh!

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