
How To Find A New Love Relationship And Make It Last

By Marc Sandford

Looking to start a new relationship with a woman but feeling a bit rusty at dating in general? Perhaps you've been in a past relationship lasting for several years and only now are thinking of meeting someone new. Whatever the reason for your absence from the dating scene, the following advice will get you on the right track in your search for love.

1.) Be yourself.

Never attempt an affectation that isn't you. Kids and very young adults resort to this because they have no life experiences and are thus a blank slate. You aren't a kid anymore and should have by now formed a real identity based on having had a real life. Phony affectation simply isn't necessary at this point.

2.) Never exaggerate who you are or what you've done.

Given enough time, the truth always emerges. It is simply unavoidable. When this occurs, you will be seen as insecure or even deceitful and you might as well mark that day on your calendar. Because that day marks the beginning of the end of your relationship.

3.) Be careful about pushing to hard if things don't work out.

While men are expected to be the pursuers, you have to know when to quit. Love can't be forced on anyone.

4.) Avoid seeming too eager.

This does not mean that you have to pretend not to care. It means you must be a bit more subtle about showing that you are attracted to her. Excessive eagerness can be mistaken for neediness and even desperation.

5.) If you have a good sense of humor, now is not the time to hide it.

Humor is a great way to break the ice. Nothing is more effective at putting a person at ease than humor. Perhaps the reason why humor reassures is that it's an indicator of emotional health.

6.) It is important to understand that women value frequent and small gestures of affection.

Men either don't notice or simply disregard small gestures. This masculine tendency has caused the demise of many relationships with the opposite sex. Something as small as a gift of flowers at the right time can have a big and lasting impact.

7.) No matter long you've been with her, never take her or the relationship for granted.

No one likes being taken for granted. This isn't a female thing, it's a human nature thing. Nothing, not even a machine, will last without the proper maintenance.

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