
Seven American Presidents Have Uranus in Aquarius in their Astrology Wheels

By Graham Flynn

After I began my search on all the USA nation and presidents wheels, I was incredibly open-minded about my studies. I wondered what the commonalites among the wheels might be but did not would like to start with pre-formed conclusions. I believe it's too simple to start with what you "think" is right, search it and almost certainly slant your look for to prove your original point. I did not wish to do that. Simply because I am a lengthy time astrologer but not a trained researcher this could possibly be considered an error. Be that since it may, I skipped appropriate by the hypothesis and went directly into a spreadsheet of possibilities. I trusted the true number counts of the chart positions to grab my attention to point me during the right direction and I was not disappointed.

First I compared the several USA birth wheels that are postulated as "the right one." By using true events within the ongoing history of the country, I rectified the four main alternatives and particular Virgo Rising as one of the most representative of our region and also the events it experienced. Following I did the exact same method on the 43 presidents until I was personally satisfied that I had the appropriate wheels for each. That is a large area for controversy so be aware that other astrologers might make other choices. I trusted my individual research. I then compared the country like a living entity with each of the presidential wheels. I used the 13 primary astrological points, ascendant, midheaven, lunar nodes and also the 10 physical bodies: Sun, Moon and eight planets. Yes, I count Pluto as a planet and no, Earth isn't counted since we are all standing on it. Like a look for standard, I utilized conjunctions and opposition aspects only with tight five-degree orbs.

As I have said in previous articles, three critical influences came out in the USA natal wheel once compared to the 43 presidents: Aquarius/Uranus, the Mercury-Pluto opposition and Neptune. I have done separate content on every to describe their connection to and their effect on our country. In this article I need to achieve back into what I determined to be the dominant pattern, the Aquarius/Uranus connections but then look at the highest count inside a several way.

The Aquarius/Uranus energy tends being different, forward searching for or futuristic, independent, unique, freedom loving, highly individualized and intellectual. Uranus (a planet) itself is in charge of (rules) lightning, earthquakes, explosions and surprises so you possibly can get an impression of its overall energy pattern. The entire world is considered the "ruler" (influencer) in the sign. Aquarius (a sign) can always believe like it was dropped off on a wrong globe or that it walks slightly out of step in the mass of humanity. You have heard the saying "march towards tune of the a variety of drummer" and that describes Aquarius or its ruler, Uranus. An old national characterization is the familiar fife drum and drawing, which is extremely apt. The region and president connections to this Aquarius/Uranus energy exceeded average expectation. A single intriguing example...

Uranus takes 84 many years to accomplish a single orbit around our Sun as one complete cycle from the twelve zodiac signs, seven many years per sign. Note that there will be time overlap between signs due to retrograde motion. It has been 233 years (at this writing) because our birth so Uranus has traveled from the signs nearly 3 times. Therefore it must average out in terms on the spread of years and signs. 43 presidents divided by twelve signs gives an average of 3.6 per sign. Note that you can find 44 presidencies but only 43 presidents since Grover Cleveland was elected twice. Uranus was in its property sign of Aquarius for seven of individuals 43 presidents or double the average expectancy. Here are my observations on people presidents who live with the energy of Uranus in Aquarius. Additionally, you'll find notes on a Founding Fathers who also had Uranus in Aquarius.

Uranus in Aquarius passage quantity one (March 12, 1744 to December 13, 1752)

Not only is Uranus quite important to our nation because it is located prominently on a country's midheaven (mission, goal, ambition, stature - USA Virgo Rising wheel). It was from the sign of Gemini at our birth, but it assumes prominence by becoming directly over a midheaven. Utilizing my spreadsheet commonality greatest count, seven of our 43 presidents have Uranus in Aquarius: James Madison, James Garfield, Chester Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

President Madison was only 25 years old at the signing from the Declaration of Independence but he had future President Thomas Jefferson as his mentor. Delegate Jefferson was the principal author on the Declaration of Independence. Each men have been instrumental during the writing of the Constitution and also the Bill of Rights (Jefferson was out of the nation at that time) that gives Americans our individual freedoms. Madison is considered the Father from the Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

While the Revolutionary War is not typically presented like a civil war, it truly was a civil war. That war was in accordance with a break from our mother country, England, of the colonists (then modern inhabitants) in disagreement with one another, neighbor against neighbor and conflict inside families, the Tories (staunch British Crown advocates) against the Revolutionists. The cost to all colonists in terms of casualties and economics need to had been both equally matched by the terrible division within the populace and the families. The rights that had been fought for at that time have been only for Caucasians and only for men. Slavery and women's rights had been tabled for another time, an additional battle.

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