
Therapy For Marriage And Infidelity

By Dr Joe James

Handling a bad marriage and infidelity can be overwhelming to say the least. Sometimes marital problems cannot be worked out and causes one spouse to cheat on another. As common and painful as this issue is, there is always going to be a reason one tries to justify their lack of being faithful. Some people cannot understand the trauma that cheating can inflict on a marriage.

Affairs can often start with being attracted physically or emotionally to someone you have been acquainted with for a period of time. This could be a friend or coworker, or maybe just someone you see and spend time with every now and then. Someone other than your spouse can pay attention to your or show an genuine interest in you more than what you receive at home. This can start an attraction that can lead to more than what was ever intended.

One of the toughest things about cheating on your spouse is having to admit that you even did it. Although there are some that will easily forgive, the memory will always be there. You will have to give your mate assurance that you will never even see the lover anymore and will cut all ties with them. Most affairs do not end as easily as we would want them to.

There is no guarantee that a marriage can recover from unfaithfulness since there may never be complete separation from the outside lover. Couples have a chance to discuss and correct any issues that have caused the cheating, in an attempt to work it out.

Although neither party will take the blame for the affair, determining the reason for the affair could make the marriage a lot better than it was before. Maybe emotional needs were not met and now the other spouse can make sure they are.

Once the cheating party has cut the ties of the affair, the victimized party may feel a little resentment. The memory of the outside relationship will always be there. Sometimes outside therapy or counseling can help get through this. Because one spouse was not faithful, does not mean the marriage has to be completely over.

Nobody said handling a bad marriage and infidelity would be easy, but it will take both parties to correct any issues for the marriage to work. Perhaps the marriage is not one that is meant to be fixed. The extent of the damage caused by being unfaithful will be the determining factor.

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