
Find Out If the Emotions You are Feeling Is Just Part of a Stage in Your Marriage

By Clay Andrews

In long term relationships and marriages, a growing gap between each couples is a common occurrence. It can be very heartbreaking to think your relationship is losing it's spark and to be continually questioning whether you and your partner belong together is not easy.

In a start of a relationship, everything is fresh and exciting. This is known as the "Honeymoon" phase and it can last between a few months to 2-3 years (it varies with each couple.) This phase is very exciting, passionate and romantically blissful. Ultimately after being together for quite some time, you and your other half will start to see details about each other that you may not have seen at the start of the relationship. This is a phase when your relationship becomes deeper on a rather more intimate level.

At that point, you and your spouse might or might not be living together but when you both share personal space, that's when you start to see certain habits you have not spotted before and may have conflicts which will shatter your trust in your relationship. Also at that point you both begin to make stage-changing decisions together like buying an auto, house. Sharing bank accounts or getting married.

Here's where many women or men start to question their relationship. At that point, your relationship is a harsh contrast to the exciting and fresh honeymoon phase. You know that you love your other half, but you ask why your relationship is not as easy as it used to be. That's because you each are going through a different phase in your relationship that will need effort and work to cultivate your love.

Here's where you and your spouse are going to have to find an efficient way to handle conflicts and strengthen your marriage. At this stage, your relationship may get a little more difficult to keep together. You and your other half fight a bit more and your relationship may go through a turbulence of mix feelings. This is when you wonder whether you and your other half should be together.

This is a hard stage because it is so different to relationship delight you had in the beginning stages of your relationship. This is when many marriages fail. Unless you can find a healthier way to handling conflicts and intense situations. Couples who make it through this stage comes out stronger than ever. They have developed abilities to better communicate, compromise and resolve conflicts.

What you are feeling is terribly normal and it doesn't mean you've fallen out of love with your other half and that your marriage is headed straight for trouble. It just implies you and your other half are going through a certain phase that will give your relationship a chance to grow and reach it's full potential.

What if you just can't get the love back in your marriage? I know how hard it can be to try and make your spouse understand just how special your love is, but if you want to really make your marriage sing again you'll need to learn that you can't use the same strategy you've been using in the past.

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