
Seduce A Woman - What's The Right Time To Approach A Girl?

By Lee Rosenberg

Have you ever been out with your buddies, spotted a group of attractive women, and then tried to get one of your friends to go talk to them?

You know what your friends probably said, "No, you should go talk to them."

No one wanted to do the approach. Another scenario: Have you ever spotted an attractive woman but instead of approaching her, you thought, "Maybe she has a boyfriend," "I should wait a few minutes just to see who she's with," or "I'll study her for a while before approaching just to see if she's nice."

Guess what?

You probably will never talk to her.

Here's why: the longer you wait, the harder it gets to approach a woman.

Moreover, if you wait too long, another guy will approach her and leave you in the dust. I've been that guy several times. Every time it happens, I think to myself, "If I wasn't such a wussy, I would have gotten her." Don't be a wussy.

Furthermore, when you see a girl you'd like to approach, you unconsciously signal this to her, so she knows you're interested. Once you make these signals, you need to approach. Otherwise, she'll think you have low self-esteem.

Any reason you have for not approaching is really just an excuse.

So here's what to do: As soon as you spot a girl you'd like to meet, count in your head: one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi.

Then approach her.

By counting, you're stopping your mind from coming up with excuses. Counting makes approaching women a lot easier. It also makes approaching women a lot less scary.

Another useful tidbit: When you go out to a club or bar, approach no less than five women.

Sooner than later, you will be able to approach five women a night with ease.

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