
Bad Days to End your relationship with your Boyfriend

By Alex Shant

There are great days to break up with your boyfriend and there are extremely bad days. You should never break up with someone during these days because it will only worsen the situation and you can hurt him even more than you intend to. These bad days are the days that are special to him like his Birthday, your anniversary, Christmas and New Year. Here are some reasons why you should never break up with your boyfriend during this specific day.

Birthday Obviously, this is the worst day you could ever break up with someone. This is because almost all people consider this day as their most special day except for people with certain religions where they do not celebrate their birthdays. Because of this, you should never break up with your boyfriend because he will curse you for the rest of your life because of doing this.

Anniversary This is actually the less bad day to break up but it is still the worst. Most break ups are done during this day because girls want to end the relationship on the exact day that it started. However, if you are sympathetic enough, do not break up with your man during this day or else he will never have another successful relationship with other persons.

Christmas or New Year This is the second to the worst day to break up. If you break up with the person you are with during this day, rest assure that all his family members will know that you broke up with him. This is because family gatherings and reunions are usually made during these days.

As a conclusion, you should always still be sensitive to the person even if you want to break up with him. Be sympathetic and try not to break up with him on these exact days. Remember, you have already broken his heart. It is enough damage done. You do not need to tore it to million pieces.

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