
Modern Weddings: a Modern Classic

By Ann Daniels

Much of what was once considered standard wedding procedure, dress, and structure was actually held over from the Elizabethan, Renaissance, and Victorian eras, when marriage was a business transaction or political move as often as it was a personal choice. Many traditions have gone out of style in the past thirty years. These days, while many wedding ceremonies follow some sort of outline that recalls the traditions of the past, changing social mores, technological advances, and new trends in fashion have allowed modern couples to make their weddings truly their own.

Wedding rings are a big part of this, as the wedding bands are the only item featured on the day of the wedding that the couple continues to use or wear when that day is over. Plain gold or platinum wedding rings in half-round or flat shapes have stood the test of time fairly well, but there is an indisputable demand for different and more modern wedding ring options as well. Different shapes like concave and beveled edge rings, black and two-tone wedding rings, and gem-heavy eternity styles present a new world of options, as do new and unusual materials like titanium and tungsten.

Tungsten carbide rings, commonly abbreviated as "tungsten rings" are perhaps the most modern choice one can make in picking the right jewelry for a cutting-edge contemporary wedding. These rings are very hard and strong, scratch-resistant, and tarnish-proof, and they look great with a brushed or polished finish, laser etching, and all of the other distinctive design accents tungsten rings and the related technology make possible.

Music is another major point to consider. The classical standards by Mendelssohn and Pachelbel so often associated with weddings are still popular and an excellent choice, as long as that's what you want. But one should never feel confined to doing something in one way simply because that's how it's always been done. I've been a bridesmaid and maid of honor more times than I care to admit-- let's just say Katherine Heigl and her 27 dresses have nothing on me-- and some of the most meaningful and memorable ceremonies were so because the couple dispensed with the status quo in order to do what made them happy and reflected their interests. Movie soundtracks, novelty songs, and performances by the couple's musically inclined friends were all on the table, and it always worked because the intention was sincere.

The rules have changed regarding wedding flowers as well-- the white roses and baby's breath of traditional bouquets are now often edged out by bright colors, exotic plants, and non-floral accents like ribbons and crystals. For the wedding I discussed above, the bride carried a bouquet of flowers sculpted from metal and glass while we bridesmaids held bunches of peacock feathers.

The point is, in this modern age where we can be and do anything we dream of without being limited by social convention of the past, our dream weddings are within reach as well.

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