
How To Resolve Conflicts To Save Friendship

By Yuri Roscoe

When a friendship is broken, it is sometimes very hard to fix knowing that you have hurt the person you trust the most. The deeper the friendship has become the harder it becomes to solidify it back again. Here are some ways for you to reconciliate with your friend.

Apologies are meant to rekindle your friendship. Make use of the word sorry to your friend and solidify your status as true friends. Admit that you have hurt the emotions of your friend and you are willing to make friends with him again.

Take the time to have your friend over and speak to him about your worries as to why you had a fight with him. There are surely reasons why both of you were in a dire position of mistrust. Speak your side of the story and clarify the other part to him.

Be respectful to your friend and give him a chance to talk to you to let you know his side of the story. There are always two side of the coin and do try to listen to him as he tells you what happened to your friendship in his own point of view. Once he is done, then you can tell yours.

As you have already known that your friendship was put to a test all because of miscommunication, therefore learning how to think first before talking should be your top priority. To avoid further conflict between the two of you, you can always think ahead and see what are the consequences for saying this or that.

Start small. When both of you have regained each others' trust, start small by getting along with each for coffee and not the immediate house party that you have always done. There are things that are still up in the air that need to be considered.

Time heals all wounds no matter how small or big they might be. All time make the healing and leave it all be in the past. The best way to recover from a fallout with your friend is to take things slowly and let it all pass with time.

The guide above will surely help you regain your friend back to your warm embraces. Make sure that you follow the steps and have utmost sincerity when you approach your friend.

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Having Fun Going To Social Gatherings

By Mary R. Cordes

Some of us want to be the life of the party while others tend to be just a drifter that comes and goes at parties. But what if you are not one of them, what if you are the person who never gets invited to these parties? You begin to wonder what is with you that just won't click with others? Here are some ways to boost your social life.

Take your worries away and leave them at the front door. When you step inside a party, keep in mind that you are there to have a good time. If you exude that feeling of having a good time then people will instantly notice you and begin to talk to you.

Although you might consider yourself as the life of the party but the true life of the party is the camera. A party becomes alive when flashes of lights appear and you get to capture moments that you will treasure together with your new found friends.

Right before you head down to the party make sure that you have all your problems solved and nothing is wearing you down. If you keep on thinking about your problems it will show and people will notice it and stay away from you.

Enjoy a friendly game with other people from the party. Make sure that the games you play are both competitive and fun and people are ready to do it even with their party dress on. The more fun the games the more you shine throughout the party.

Once in a while, listen to what other people want to say. There will always come a time when you will have to shut your mouth and be the ear that listens to what others are talking about. With that, you respect others and they will begin to respect you.

Make friends online. The internet is the best place to make new friends and gather them together. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are the best breeding ground for new friends.

Or, you can always earn a new friend the classic way which is to buy someone a drink and get to know that person well. Then you can go ahead and join other people's table with their permission and enjoy the night.

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Modern Weddings: a Modern Classic

By Ann Daniels

Much of what was once considered standard wedding procedure, dress, and structure was actually held over from the Elizabethan, Renaissance, and Victorian eras, when marriage was a business transaction or political move as often as it was a personal choice. Many traditions have gone out of style in the past thirty years. These days, while many wedding ceremonies follow some sort of outline that recalls the traditions of the past, changing social mores, technological advances, and new trends in fashion have allowed modern couples to make their weddings truly their own.

Wedding rings are a big part of this, as the wedding bands are the only item featured on the day of the wedding that the couple continues to use or wear when that day is over. Plain gold or platinum wedding rings in half-round or flat shapes have stood the test of time fairly well, but there is an indisputable demand for different and more modern wedding ring options as well. Different shapes like concave and beveled edge rings, black and two-tone wedding rings, and gem-heavy eternity styles present a new world of options, as do new and unusual materials like titanium and tungsten.

Tungsten carbide rings, commonly abbreviated as "tungsten rings" are perhaps the most modern choice one can make in picking the right jewelry for a cutting-edge contemporary wedding. These rings are very hard and strong, scratch-resistant, and tarnish-proof, and they look great with a brushed or polished finish, laser etching, and all of the other distinctive design accents tungsten rings and the related technology make possible.

Music is another major point to consider. The classical standards by Mendelssohn and Pachelbel so often associated with weddings are still popular and an excellent choice, as long as that's what you want. But one should never feel confined to doing something in one way simply because that's how it's always been done. I've been a bridesmaid and maid of honor more times than I care to admit-- let's just say Katherine Heigl and her 27 dresses have nothing on me-- and some of the most meaningful and memorable ceremonies were so because the couple dispensed with the status quo in order to do what made them happy and reflected their interests. Movie soundtracks, novelty songs, and performances by the couple's musically inclined friends were all on the table, and it always worked because the intention was sincere.

The rules have changed regarding wedding flowers as well-- the white roses and baby's breath of traditional bouquets are now often edged out by bright colors, exotic plants, and non-floral accents like ribbons and crystals. For the wedding I discussed above, the bride carried a bouquet of flowers sculpted from metal and glass while we bridesmaids held bunches of peacock feathers.

The point is, in this modern age where we can be and do anything we dream of without being limited by social convention of the past, our dream weddings are within reach as well.

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Are You A Prince Or A Frog? - How To Kiss Her For The First Time

By Marc Sandford

Your first kiss at the start of a new relationship is often a very anxious time. It can be very awkward, especially for those who haven't dated in a while.

While some of this anxiety is unjustified, how you go about kissing her is very important. That very first kiss forms a first impression of you as a sexual entity to your date.

How you go about initiating the kiss is as significant as the actual kiss itself. There are many complex inputs and cues, that a woman can intuitively sense.

Know that the first kiss is very important and is not merely something to get out of the way. Listed here are 3 tips about doing it the right way.

1.) Do not try to get her permission by asking her.

You can't just grab her and start kissing because you're feeling aroused. Instead you must gauge when the moment is right. If there is sexual tension between both of you and she is showing signs of attraction for you, then seize the moment and kiss her.

To ask for permission at this moment, lessens the romantic impact of that first kiss. This can make you seem weak. Many women want to be swept off their feet by a strong confident man who takes charge. Take charge of the moment.

2.) Become familiar with the signs of attraction.

Do you find that she is touching you in casual ways during conversation? Maybe she might find excuses for holding on to you such as when she is walking on slippery snow and uses you for support. She may have brushed her arm or hand up against yours.

Eye contact is equally important. Have you caught her making quick glances at you? Are you getting prolonged eye contact while conversing?

Do her eyes seem to take in the different parts of your face? If her eyes stare intently at your lips, she definitely finds you arousing. Does she lean in closely to you a lot?

Is she somewhat nervous in your presence? This is a good sign. She may even play with her hair when talking with you. Dilated pupils are also a very good sign.

3.) Start your kiss slowly, as if in slow motion.

Hold her hand, look into her eyes and then at her lips and mouth. If you sense no resistance then kiss her. Try caressing her hair or cupping her face in your hands before kissing.

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Bringing Along With Marriage Recommendation That Are Effective

By Jacob Michaels

Seeking marriage advice? There is a lot of it going around, but it's not always a excellent idea to just take the first thing that comes along. There are lots of places that can help you to save your marriage without spending a lot of money in the bargain. Perhaps you should just begin by taking a close look at what you have been doing with or to each other.

Has your marriage taken a turn toward the blahs? If so, perhaps you could use some advice on how to turn this around. Has your passion fizzled out? There are ways to reignite it, if that is the case. Begin by doing things together again and see if this doesn't put a stop to the blahs. When you pursue interests that you share, you are bound to become more happy in each other's company.

Have you thought about just going in for a vacation together? Perhaps the reason is really ripe for this because your workaday world may have gotten you a lot of stress. Getting away from all that may well be just what the doctor ordered. Leave your kids with grandma and grandpa, and have a blithe time with each other for a while.

Is it possible for you to get together with married couples who have it all together? Being in the company of happy people can be infectious. You are not very likely to make a scene in front of trusted friends, so right off the bat peace and harmony may rule the day.

Do you realize that a relationship needs to have fun in it to survive? If all the daily stresses that come with everyday life have drained your marriage of things that used to be fun, you need to take some significant steps to see if you can bring the fun back into your marriage. On occasion outside aid may be needed to fulfill this desire.

If you are like most people, you have probably entered into your marriage with expectations that were perhaps too high. High expectations can lead to disappointment simply because they are unrealistic. So don't give up on each other too easily. See if you can come down from high expectations and find true joy in the possibility of reconnecting with each other on a level playing field. This way the love that brought you together in the first place may well be rekindled and get all fired up again.

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