
The Woman Men Adore By Bob Grant

By Jon Bradford

The Women Men Adore written by Bob Grant is a handbook that provides tools and techniques that can help women in making the man of their dreams want them or to enhance their current relationships.

Topics like 'What Men Really Want' and the 'Secrets of a Great Relationship' is being tackled in this 11 chapter and 115 page book. This book gave me the concept about how men's mind work - how they conceive ideas and why they deem that way.

Understanding men are like looking in deep and murky water. You can't seem to comprehend what's really in there, and so keep on guessing and trying to identify what's beneath them.

Women tend to view the world differently. If we could be able to sneak through a guy's mind or his notion about relationships, it will be no-sweat making them cherish us more and not even want to leave us.

This is where this book comes into play. It divulges secrets about what men really wants and what you need to keep a healthy relationship without having to alter anything the steer you away from the real you just to keep a relationship to work out.

Actually, the real deal is that most guys want their woman to seduce them, make them feel secure and enticed. To make your guy succumb to your charms all you have to do is to make him feel good about himself.

There are many misconceptions about these relationship guides. Some things might work to one person but not for another. So you should be aware about your limitations.

Understand first what you really want and your limitations. Don't do something just because it's one of the steps written by a love expert that will guarantee you a happy and pain-free relationship. Entering a relationship is like a roller coaster ride; you just have to accept all of its nuances, try not to be sick and enjoy the ride.

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Hiring A Wedding Photographer

By Charles Murray

Wedding photographers all have unique styles and skills and finding a qualified one involves many choices and prices for consideration. The hours spent on the project, the picture settings, amount of people involved in the shoot, different poses, and prints wanted all need to be considered when choosing a photographer and a wedding package. Prices can vary greatly from one photographer to another, so it is important to research the photographer and everything offered.

Wedding photographers can be compared to other contractors who work by the hour or small job. While the costs of the albums or prints might seem outrageous, the number of hours involved throughout the day need to be considered as contributing factors for those prices.

Photographers have their equipment costs just as other contract based professionals supply their own materials and equipment, whether it is an electrician with tools or a carpenter with a woodshop. Having friends and family bring their own cameras might help reduce costs, but there are differences that will be seen. Special lights and flashes, multiple camera types to be used in different situations, computers for digital cameras, and more help to make the wedding photographs truly memorable. Typically this specialized equipment will take better pictures than a camera owned by a hobbyist.

The time of year also needs to be considered when looking to hire a wedding photographer. It is not unusual for summer prices to be higher as that is often a peak season for weddings, just as resorts and hotel might raise rates during peak times.

Photographers who are successful at capturing wedding photos have often developed the abilities to gauge personalities and characteristics of his or her subjects. Family members and guests should feel comfortable with the photographer and be able to relax in his presence. Sometimes it is a good idea to ask the photographer if there is a public event at which he or she will be working where their skills and interactions can be seen, and then the pictures can also be reviewed. The engagement picture session is another good opportunity to get a glimpse of the style, organization capabilities, and skills of the photographer. If the photographer is late, appears rushed or preoccupied, or does not listen to the needs of the couple, then the relationship does not need to continue, even if the pictures are acceptable.

When the pictures are developed, wedding photographers typically use professional labs if they don't have their own in-house processing facilities. The wedding couple can ask the photographer where the photographs will be developed and what the process involves. During the search for a wedding photographer the couple should also ask about security measures for protecting the film, duplicates made, and how the film or photos will be stored. Qualified wedding photographers will provide thorough answers and have plans in place for these issues.

Wedding couples should meet with many photographers, review their work, get a sense of their styles, and ask many questions. There might be some wedding photographers who will agree to sell the proofs of the pictures so that the wedding couple can have their own prints made at commercial studios or by home printers, but the quality should not be as expected to be the same. A budget for wedding photography does not have to include hiring the most expensive photographer, but it is important to search for a photographer who offers a price that fits and delivers great pictures. The results of hiring a professional photographer can usually be seen in the pictures from that wonderful day.

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Don't Change, Nice Guys - You'll Succeed at Dating

By Mike Morton

Dating gives people the opportunity to say things they don't mean, and that can be really confusing, especially if you were expecting another 'yes' from a girl who said she enjoyed the date. For all you know, she could have been really bored or turned off, but just didn't have the heart to say it out loud. To avoid these disappointments, all you have to do is learn how to read body language, and you'll be a pro before you know it.

When you pick her up, a woman can subtly tell you how much distance she wants between you during the date. A handshake could mean she wants to get to know you more before opening up to you. A peck on the cheek could mean she trusts you enough with more personal conversation topics.

During the date, keep the conversation running. Nothing's worse than dead air. If a woman twiddles her thumbs or taps her fingers on the table, that means it's time for a topic change. If she keeps checking the time or her phone, she's definitely counting down to the end of the date, so make sure you're armed with topics you feel might pique her attention.

A woman who leans over to listen more closely to what you're saying, is interested, so make the most out of your conversation. Add a few compliments and insights here and there.

If a girl keeps her arms crossed, she's a little guarded or apprehensive about opening up to you, so keep her at ease by talking about something she can relate to. If she's not making eye contact too often, then you've got all the more reason to make sure she's comfortable. If she looks around the room, then it's time to figure out how to keep her eyes on you.

A polite smile means something completely different from an authentic smile. A polite laugh is also quite different from a true-blue burst of laughter. You're almost sure to get a second date if you can make a woman laugh, and she's probably into you if she touches her hair or smiles a lot.

Besides her actual words, the way she says them might also mean something different. Learn how to read her tone of voice so you know how to reply.

A woman might also pay attention to your body language, but nothing is more important to her than whether or not her date is actually listening to her. Besides that, if you pay attention to her body language and if you know what to do with it, then you're good to go.she might be interested. A second date is practically a sure thing if you can make her laugh!

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Approaching Women The Proper Way

By Joseph Matthews

Knowing how to approach women is a vital skill every man needs to know, because approaching women is the first step in creating a relationship with the girl of your dreams...

The way you approach a girl can make or break the rest of your pickup. Here are some tips for approaching women that will help ensure your success! Remember a situation where you were going to approach a girl, and before you could even get a single word out, she freaked out and simply rejected you?

Getting rejected right off the bat can be painful, but this is why you need to know the secrets to approaching women the right way! Once you've "blown it" with a girl, it is extremely hard to recover. The most important thing to remember when approaching women is to come off as NON-THREATENING and to not, under any circumstances, telegraph your interest in them too early.

This is about by-passing a girl's defenses and flying in "under the radar." It's the woman's reality that she constantly gets guys approaching her and trying to pick her up, so her natural inclination is to nip this in the bud quickly by outright REJECTING any man who seems interested in her. Most men don't realize how annoying it can be for women to constantly be approached by guys who run the gamut from big time loser to big time creep. Because of this, women just don't want to deal with yet "another pick-up attempt."

However, approaching women is fun and easy if you know the RIGHT WAY to do it!

So let's talk about the right way to approach any woman...


Waiting too long before you approach a woman will give you a chance to talk yourself out of meeting her.

Secondly, know what you're going to start the conversation with BEFORE you approach the girl. This will make meeting women much easier because you don't have to spend time thinking of what to say before you feel comfortable walking up to meet her. Having a good "pick up line" memorized for situations like these is always a good idea.

But I'm not talking about the "Hey, nice shoes, what to have sex?" type line. The point is to be NON-THREATENING, remember?

A good pick up line is something that will start an innocent conversation with the girl you're approaching. Examples of a good line would be to ask her opinion on something and then continue the conversation by asking more questions about her opinion. An important tip you should be aware of is to always approach a woman at an angle instead of charging towards her like you're going to war! When you approach at an angle, it's much less confrontational and you're going to subconsciously put the woman more at ease than if you approached her head-on.

Remember this golden rule of pick-up: Attraction can only happen when the girl is COMFORTABLE with you! Because of this, it is also vitally important that YOU feel comfortable when approaching women. It's natural to feel uncomfortable meeting attractive women, but remember - practice makes perfect! If you take the time to go out and practice meeting women, over time it will become easier and you'll be more comfortable with doing it.

Let me tell you - getting good at approaching women is not going to happen if all you do is read about it or study it! If you're worried about being rejected, just look at it as a game. The ONLY thing you're doing is approaching women. You're not asking her out, you're not trying to get her into bed, your only goal is to carry on some type of conversation.

That's all! See how many girls you can talk to in one night, and keep trying to beat your score.

Use a "time constraint" whenever you approach a woman. Such as saying you can only talk for a second before you have to run.

Effective use of time constraints will better engage the woman you're talking to, because she won't feel that she's committing to a time-consuming endeavor. Instead, you're only a momentary "distraction." This helps eliminate any reason to reject you right off the bat. Don't worry about putting a time limit on yourself. Once the conversation picks up, the girl will forget about your time constraint and you can talk to her as long as you want. Remember, the goal here is just to get the conversation started, and a good time constraint will help you do that!

The dating game is a numbers game. The more women you're able to meet, the greater your chances at finding a great girlfriend.

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How To Handle Break Up

By Pete Diwali

Break ups are always hard. While they are more difficult to the one on the receiving end, they are still difficult for the one ending the relationship. Although when the initial breakup occurs you may be feeling that you are never going to get over it, time is always going to heal all wounds. Here are some tips on how to handle break up.

It is a good idea to get in touch with your closest friends first of all. Think of people who you really care about and who really care about you and make plans to see all of them over the coming days and weeks. Now is certainly not a good time to sit around on your own and think about things.

Make sure that you vent your emotions when you need to. Good friends and family members will certainly allow you to cry on their shoulder and should be willing to listen to all of your rants and raves.

You need to give yourself lots of time to go through the grieving process. When a close relationship breaks down it is very similar to actually suffering a loss akin to the death of someone close to you. Never be ashamed of the feelings that you are feeling and give yourself time to go through all of the emotions that are running through your body.

Start dating again. This is certainly a great idea and will help you to forget your ex much more quickly. In fact, when meeting new people you may start to see that your recent relationship simply didn't work at all and you will get a new perspective on life. Be careful, however, not to start up a rebound relationship that is only going to hurt someone else.

Be positive and look forward. Analyse all of the good parts of your previous relationship and make sure that you take these forward into your new ones.

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