
The Best Original & Special Proposal

By Barbara Goodman

Knowledge of diamond and the origin of its many connotations starts in India, where it was first mined. The word most generally used for diamond in Sanskrit is transliterated as vajra, "thunderbolt," and indrayudha, "Indra's weapon." Because Indra is the warrior god from Vedic scriptures, the foundation of Hinduism, the thunderbolt symbol indicates much about the Indian conception of diamond.

Part of the credit for the almost mythical reverence to diamonds throughout the years belongs to the fact that these beauties are quite rare in their most sought after gemstone quality form. Not only are these diamonds rare in numbers but also in the number of skilled artisans that can compliment their exquisite beauty.

The custom was continued and Christianized by the 4th century, demonstrated by St. Augustine's imploring priests to permit weddings without the exchange of rings. Byzantine wedding rings are thick gold bands with round or oval bezels depicting the couple face to face, or receiving Christ's blessing on their union.

It is believed that the first diamonds were discovered nearly 3000 years ago in India. They were considered valuable because of their ability to refract light and were used as either decoration or as talismans - for protection and warding against evil.

The portraits that hang in renowned museums like the ones that present Hapsburg Emperor Maximilian I (by Bernard Strigel, ca. 1500) and Mary, his wife, Duchess of Burgundy and daughter of Charles the Bold (ascribed to Niclas Reiser, ca. 1500). The union in 1477 was celebrated by the exchange of a diamond betrothal ring, which would have been an early example and perhaps the first royal one.

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Common Marital Problems that can never be Resolved

By Alex Shant

There are marital problems that are easily solved and there are marital problems that are not. In this article, we tackle about marital problems that can never be resolved. The only thing that could solve these problems is either a break up and starting over or a councilor.

Sex and intimacy One of the most unsolvable marital problems is issues regarding sex and intimacy. These issues are very tough to predict at first. Sex and intimacy is one of the most important parts of marriage. If you and your husband cannot get along with it, then you have a major problem. There are various major issues concerning sex and intimacy. The most common one is when a man is selfish and doesn't care about what his wife feels. A worse issue it when a women is left behind or forced.

Make sure you shun away from these problems in the earlier stage of the marriage. Practice being kind and generous with each other because once this issue is defined, it can never be solved in a flash. You can also change your ways in the process before tying the knot with your man. Research ways to me more intimate with him. In addition, you can also tell him what you want to do and what is best for you during these situations.

The most unsolvable marital problem is Change Sexual Preference. Obviously, if this happened, it is already the end of a relationship. You can never be with a person that does not solely love you. You can never be with a person that prefers another gender.

You can save yourself from this disgrace by making sure that your partner prefers you and prefers the female gender in particular before you decide to tie the knot with your man. Check out signs to know if he is gay or not. Ask his friends and just be keener.

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Do's and Don'ts of Divorce

By Darlene Lancer

Many divorces go along smoothly, but when problems occur, they usually reflect the dynamics that didn't work in the marriage -- only made worse, because divorce is one of the biggest crises a person goes through. Emotions, especially fear and anger, are at their peak. All divorces are unique, and vary depending on:

1. The marital relationship

2. The reasons for the divorce

3. Whether children are involved; and

4. Who initiated the divorce

Yet there are some common issues, largely based on mistaken beliefs and strong emotions.

Mistakes to Avoid

Unfortunately divorce is an adversarial process. It can be a mistake to assume your spouse has your best interests at heart during the divorce. Probably, he or she won't. I'm not suggesting you act out of anger, but you may be hurt and disappointed if you assume everything will be divided without anger and that you'll remain close friends. It's better to expect anger, but try not to react to it. Anger, jealousy, guilt, fear, and hurt can interfere with your judgment and escalate conflict. You may remain friends, but it takes a certain amount of energy to separate. Think of the tremendous force required to split the atom. At least one spouse generally gets angry to break up the marriage.

Hopefully, you can at least be honest with each other, but often fear takes over, facts get hidden, and attorneys sometimes fuel conflict. Disclosure is the best approach, since deception or concealment is likely to backfire and breed resistance and contempt when the truth inevitably comes out. It's also a mistake to try to over-control everything out of fear or anger. It may be hard to accept that you won't get all you want, particularly if you're relinquishing some or a lot of control over your children. Yet it's possible to be assertive and still be kind.

Obtain legal advice early, and find an experienced Family Law Specialist with trial experience. Listen to your attorney, but also listen to yourself. If you've had problems standing up for yourself in your marriage, find a strong attorney to stand up for you. Mediation can be an effective alternative if your communication with your spouse is good, but it's important to retain your own attorney to advise you of your rights. However, mediation is not advisable, if you get intimidated by your spouse or there was addiction or any abuse in the marriage.

Now's the time to take care of you and your children. It's a big mistake not to get enough support. Get all you can from lawyers, accountants, therapists, family, friends, and spiritual groups. You can't be there for your children if you're not getting your needs met. In fact, most parents neglect their children during divorce. The losses and changes you go through are so overwhelming and stressful that it's hard to be present for them, but they're really sad and scared, too. Even savvy teenagers. The teens are a vulnerable period, especially for boys. Spend quality alone time with each one of your children, and listen to them. Don't talk about your spouse or use them as confidants. That's very destructive. It's also a mistake to let children of any age decide with whom they want to live. Listen to their feelings, but make that decision with your husband. It's too big of a responsibility, even for a 17-year-old.

Another mistake is to take too much or too little time with the divorce. As discussed more extensively in my published article, Growing Through Divorce, there are four stages to divorce and the "emotional divorce" is the most pivotal and difficult. Rushing doesn't give you time to work through emotions that end up fueling legal battles. On the other hand, a divorce that drags on for years reflects that you haven't emotionally unbonded and need professional help to let go.

After a divorce, the two biggest challenges are setting new boundaries with your ex and balancing grieving with moving forward in your life. If you haven't unbonded emotionally, there'll be a lot of reactivity and fights, or the reverse, insufficient boundaries and too much closeness that keep you from moving on.

Do's of Divorce:

1. Create a support and social network. This is important not only for support, but as part of building a new single lifestyle. Plan activities, take a class, or buy season tickets that force you to get out even when you don't feel like it. Avoid any temptation to isolate.

2. Engage competent legal counsel. Some states, including California, certify family law specialists.

3. Be assertive and courteous. Ask for what you need, and be willing to compromise.

4. Find your passion and learn something new about it. Take action. What you do today creates your future tomorrow.

5. Accept the reality that you're divorced and that it's your responsibility to create happiness in your life. It's okay to be angry about it. That's part of acceptance.

6. Establish new, clear boundaries with your ex.

7. Journal and write daily things you did well. Also jot down and date small signs of healing -- such as crying less, trying new things, socializing more.

Don'ts of Divorce:

1. Expect your spouse to take care of your needs.

2. Make decisions based on your emotions.

3. Confide in or talk negatively to your children about your ex.

4. Lie, conceal, manipulate, or over-control.

5. Judge yourself. Negative self-talk is destructive. It saps your energy, and can turn fatigue or sadness into hopelessness.

6. Ruminate about the past. Don't let depression take over. Get professional help if you feel stuck.

7. Wait for invitations on holidays, including your birthday. Unlike when you were married when your family honored your birthday, now you have to make plans in advance to honor yourself.

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The Secret of How to Save a Relationship that is Falling Apart

By Clay Andrews

Relationships have low points and high points. However, too much bad days could be an indication that your relationship is in trouble. If you're keen in finding out how to save a relationship that is falling apart, read on to find these three important methods.

How to Save a Relationship that is Falling Apart: Know What Went Wrong with the Relationship

Yes, I mean the two of you. A relationship is made up of two people and these two would both be responsible for how the relationship turns out. You have to accept the fact that you also made mistakes if your relationship needs to be rescued right now.

The secret of every good relationship is if person is feeling good about themselves. If we find ourselves getting stressed with life and allow that stress to fester, there's a good chance that it would overflow and affect the relationship badly. The relationship will be hugely affected by how you as well as your partner handle all these emotions.

Problems in communication, indifference and frequent arguments are some of the reasons why relationships fall apart. Stress brought on by negative emotions is another one of the reason why relationships end.

How to Save A Relationship That Is Falling Apart: Learn to Reconnect with Your Partner

Are you hoping that you and your partner would get that satisfying relationship again? As mentioned earlier, one of the biggest factors that could destroy a relationship is stress. Usually, couples try to "numb" the stress in order to cope with their life. Do you usually seek solace by watching TV shows rather than talking it out with your partner? Do you and your partner mostly have negative emotions when you interact?

If so then it's time that you start connecting with your partner at a more intimate level. This can be done by simply being CURIOUS about your partner and foregoing all distractions. Once you stop wondering about what your partner is thinking or feeling, this is the time when the relationship is usually in trouble. It is important that you have ample time to be emotionally intimate with your partner.

How to Save A Relationship That Is Falling Apart: Embrace the Consequences and Stop Fighting

You'll find it easier to tackle the problem if you accept what is happening for what it really is. If you keep on thinking about the negative aspects, there's a good chance that you will hurt yourself more. Understand that it happened and move on with your life.

Focusing on the present is one of the best ways to do this. You won't dwell too much on the past and future if you concentrate on the present. When you are feeling bad, then this mean that you are NOT in the present and instead thinking of the past or the future. Relationships that grow are those that have couples who are communicative, introspective and dwell mostly in the present.

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The right way to Turn Wedding Blues Into Wedding Ecstasy

By Funky Feestje

For good or bad, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and so goes the essence of weddings and wedding promises that mark the promise of forever. But before the actual party, there is a challenge ahead. How does one turn wedding blues into wedding bliss?

In an ideal world, you only really plan to get married once. It's not like your yearly birthdays that might be done and redone afterward. Weddings aren't fugitive moments but one intended to last the happy couple a whole life. Wedding exhilaration is supposed to last and be recalled just as wedding blues need not be remembered at all.

So what implies a 'wedding to recollect ' over wedding 'no no'ss '? The poser is now displayed.

Weddings are family time where long lost family members and extended family members in chums and associates band and bond. As such, invites must not include ex-loves and ex-cons, potential deal-breakers and mood-swingers. As such, take some time to sit down and go over the list of guests with at least 10 seats left empty for last-minute additions. The "subtractions" may be the added bonus for those in the "waitlisted" bunch. So yes, have a listing of mutually-agreed guests, mutually-agreed non-guests and the "waitlist." Once done, go for the seat-chart and map out the seating arrangements where family members are scattered strategically and friends positioned between for a feel of being tenderly welcomed.

Weddings while usually a family event is that one time where the family can use outside help. Weddings should be about the couple and all others who are witnesses to that union. So for the wedding to be a happy time, relaxed and rightfully documented, put together that outside help.

Weddings ought to have a "wedding crew" that's best to be supervised by a relation or a mate to both bride and groom. Small things matter and bring back big results like for example surprises for the couple and surprises too for the folks. These are best sorted by the wedding crew and certain to bring excellent results. As an example, the promises can have that special touch that will include a line about both mother and father or the reception will have a part to remember those not capable of making it and thank people who did. Tiny things for the big impact in the party.

Speaking of wedding crew, hire execs with a verifiable and established past history. Confirm results are warranted for no good replays can be done in the moments. Have it caught that one time with no room for mistake or at a minimum, controllable-error for save-able results. It is advocated to hire a wedding cameraman for most satisfactory results. A sample work of a great wedding snapper can be viewed here: Trouwreportages .

Taking note of all these factors will definitely result to a successful wedding. You will never have to worry about wedding blues again. Never forget to plan everything out and once that is established, your wedding exhilaration will come.

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