
Dating a Person with Emotional Disorder

By Alex Shant

Emotional Disorders are common to every person. You might not know it but you may also have some emotional issues of your own. What if you are dating a person with emotional disability? How will you be able to handle it? What are the ways that you should do to be able to still have a successful relationship with this man despite his emotional deficiency.

Actually, all you need to do is be a virtuous and sensitive person. You can be a good and sensitive person by doing this simple ways; be sensitive to his worries, always make him feel emotionally stable, confide with him when he is sad and laugh at things to make him laugh.

Be sensitive with his worries by always asking if he is okay. This matters because if you continue to do this, your partner will realize that he is not alone and that he has someone whom he can share his worries anytime. Always make him emotionally stable by making him feel nice about himself at all times. Compliment him every day and tell him that you love him once in a while. Feeling secured and loved is the best way to treat a person especially a person who is emotionally low.

Confide with him when he is sad. This is very important because most men do not share their feelings right away with people. When he is sad, ask him why and always tell him that it is always going to be okay. Never argue with his jaded thoughts when he is sad because those thoughts are just passing feelings and will eventually go away after he settles down. Just listen and if you think he is wrong, keep those arguments to yourself.

Lastly, make him laugh at minimal things. Laughing is the best medicine. When people laugh, they see the bright side in everything. For this reason, make funny gestures to boost his happy juices.

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Defining Love and Relationships

By Alex Shant

Our instinctual self calls us to connect and celebrate our special relationship on a much deeper level by letting go of precondition and conditioned inhibitions. In this level, the act of letting go allows us to experience each moments with profanity, awareness and most specifically honesty. In this particular stage of our emotion, we may realized that the time has come for us to communicate on a level of existence that raises us high above the lower mental plains where dysfunctional behaviours operate and up into our heart energy.

To understand and to make this shift, it is vital that we wake up and become conscious that our relationship problems arise from our past unresolved emotional issues.

Unresolved emotions are so harmful to the body's mind system, that they block vital energy, which then becomes a barrier to self-understanding, personal development, conscious awareness and our spiritual evolution.These stored negative emotions we carry are like luggage unpacking and repacking on a semi regular basis. The emotions we experience are set like stone into the very cells of our body mind system. Because of this, these emotional baggage becomes a major factor in relationship breakdowns.

When we fall in love, you see in your partner your own creative potential, what you perceive is a mirror reflection of yourself. This mirror serves a purpose. Once you are aware of this you can use it as reference to learn about yourself. Furthermore, what is lacking within you will show back also. If you are unaware of what is happening, your relationship can suffer because you are blocked by a lack of understanding and your own personal emotional luggage or issues.The good thing is, no one has to be locked into inhibitions that come from past emotional wounds, that will be the key to a successful relationship and self development.

When you make a conscious choice to detached and view yourself from a higher vantage point rather than being bogged down in the details, you will discover a much deeper understanding of yourself, and your feelings and behaviours. Your partners aw well as with your relationships with others are there to help you learn about you. You can gain so much about yourself through your relationships. Even the painful and uncomfortable experiences hold pearls of wisdom. The drama's played out in relationships are shadow types of behaviour fascinating to watch, when you realize what is going on.

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in a Relationship

By Alex Shant

It is perhaps quite evident that the number of single people is increasing these days. Keeping pace with the times of growing technology guides a room for more cruelty. Methods for socialization give more space for arguments than it instills patience. Because of the technological capacity, people expect too much of their partners to be able to address issues with more urgency. They get mad when their partners miss to reply in text messages immediately or when they are not able to contact through messengers.

While there may be positive factors that technology can offer, putting too much expectation from a partner because of the availability of technology can do more harm to a relationship than help. Bear in mind that not all people are inclined to the same contemporary skills as you. Even if it is hard to believe, some people are still "old school" in a sense, and so, they do not have that automatic tendency to communicate through new technology.

In order to maximize the use of technology into providing a better atmosphere for you and your partner, you can start by treating it simply as a supplementary communication tool.

Rely on text, facebook and skype only during few occasion when you cannot visit your partner at work on see her in your home. That way, you will be able to build a relationship that depends on actual contact and care rather than technological reliance that only shows more of your addiction towards new mechanism than love towards your partner.

Even if you are in a long distance relationship were in online communication is very much dependent upon modern technology, you should always have perspective that the tools are just media of which you can show how you feel. The main aspect of the relationship is the act or the effort to constantly communicate beyond the availability of the tools. If your tools fail, make sure you contact your loved ones in other means and not just use the tool's failure as a reason not to contact.

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Fixing a Broken Heart

By Alex Shant

Fixing a broken heart is paramount for those living in broken relationships. People settle in bad relationships and are unwilling to move forward to a place of peace and healing for various reasons.

There are as many reasons why your current or past relationship failed as there are people. For example, a lot of relationships are entered into blindly by both partners. They're in love and all they know is that they want to spend the rest of their lives together and after sometime of dealing the harsh realities of life, love and relationships, eventually they grow fed up with each other and decided to part methods.

Yes, you may find it traumatic to gain trust in love again but hey, it's better to take a risk than forever wonder what could have happen if, like this or that. The truth is that people get involved in relationships because they fear being alone. If this is you, recognize it and make a commitment to yourself to discover the reasons for your fears. And then decide if those fears are getting in the way of you having a healthy relationship. Fixing your broken heart may be tough at first but if you really want to end it, you have to change perspectives and try to look on the brighter side of life. Healing a Broken Heart requires you to R.E.S.E.T. your heart and here are the following steps that you need to do:

ACCEPTANCE You have to recognize that you're heartbroken. It sounds simple but you would be amazed at how many women and men go out of their method to deny the fact that the relationship has ended. Rebound relationships are filled with such people.

NURTURE IT Embrace the drama! That's right! You must feel your pain, not push it under a rug or pretend that it doesn't exist.Eventually the pain will decrease. There's no point denying it to yourself. You are hurt, it's normal to show it. What is not normal is denying it to yourself, you're not a robot!

SCOOP OUT THE BAGGAGE! Imagine that you've fallen down and cut open your hand. There are pieces of gravel inside the cut. If you want the cut to heal, you will scoop out what doesn't belong, clean it, and bandage it up. Fixing a broken heart is much the same way. Your fall, in this case, is your broken heart. The gravel, is the unnecessary emotional baggage that is trying to stick with you. If it's not properly dealt with, it will create road blocks to future, successful relationships.

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