
Arranged Marriages In The Modern World

By Jane Muller

The different innovations we see in science and technology nowadays come from different bright minds working together to address mankind's needs.

Such sophistication conquers even the areas of battling food shortage and health awareness. But it drops to an absurd end when relationship to other people becomes the issue. There are many illogical things in life. Sometimes, it's hard to think how people trust each other today and kill each other the next day.

There are norms that are already set in our society a long time ago. But there are also standards set in one's self. Men prefer to marry younger women. But with some beliefs in the community, marriage of two people with significant age gap is considered a "cradle snatchers" act for the older partner.

Arranged marriage is sometimes easier to handle for more innocent women compared to those who are already more experienced in life. The society has already a standard as to when the marrying age is still up especially for the females. But this doesn't mean that when they reach or hadv even outgrown that preferred time, walking down the aisle is already an elusive dream.

Age discrimination is rampant over the companies' workplace. This should not be the case when choosing the partner for life. Having an older wife doesn't imply you don't win the game.

An interesting buyer meets an interesting seller. This has become the game of trade of the once traditional and glamorous marriage arranged especially for two people. Apparently, commercialism and money are already injected to it.

The buying and selling course is even accompanied by a negotiator sometimes. The level of encouragement from all parties is taken to a higher level. Add-ons or promos are offered just like travel opportunities for women.

Once the deal is closed, a new husband and wife are officially declared. And they continue to work on their relationship after that, not in the means of trade, but in the means of friendship and love.

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Interpreting A Guy's Actions

By Jay Crawford

There are certain indications if a person is really interested in you but what are those? During the conversation with your friend, you caught him seeing in your eyes is one of the indications but is he really interested or just your feeling? 

Can we know about the person who is really interested in us? This is surely a very difficult thing to analyze what a person is feeling about you.

Is there any way to analyze if a person really is interested? Try to figure out the following five indications if you find any one of them than he most likely will tell you about his interest in you in a few days.

Most of the people search their life partners by knowing about their backgrounds their personal details and asking the people of her company. If you find a person doing these things about you than he is surely being interested in you but won't make it feel for you or his friends about it.

The one indication that mot likely to be occurred in few days that he will ask one of your friends about your beauty and in actual that's the day he is searching for.

Have you felt any demeanor change likely to occur in you when he looks into your eyes? If this would likely to happen, then he surely will smile, and this is the hint of indication for you, during your meeting time at some distance in a crowded area you find him searching for something in your feet and his gaze always look at you.

If you want to know about a guy that if he has some interest in you or not, it is fairly easy. You will easily come to know about the truth as he enters the room and from a few questions.

He can enquire about your relation in the past with some other guy. This is the major question that will tell you that he is so much interested in you. You should not go out wearing any ring with him, if you are also interested in him.

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The Keys To Living Happiness And Satisfaction In Life

By Henry Copeland

There are certain conditions in our life when we face a lot of troubles and try our self to make happy. There are very rare amount of happy people in world so we should follow these to make our life better. Real joys are dreams for us now and we want to remain happy in grief and sadness.

Funny people are always happy and successful in their life. So try to follow such people or become funny and do some exciting activities. This will promote you to a society of happy people that have same behavior like you. Don't come close to sad people as they convert sadness into your mind. 

Try to join some funny and energetic communities that surrounded you. As birds of same feather have group together so try to join people that have similar activities like you.

According to research it is prove that people living in churches live longer than others why? Because these people are very satisfied with their life and their long life and good health is due to this satisfaction.

It is very good to find some results of your problems but you should not get worry on these problems as it can effect on your happiness and life also. So it is better to stop worrying for good health. A quote says "worries cannot add a single inch to your height", so why we worry? 

You should show some positive behavior to others. Positive behavior does not means that what you are now but it means that what you are seeing in front of others even in sorrows and problematic conditions. The positive behavior is best way to remain happy in life and it gave a good impression on your personality also.

It is a fact that problems are continuous coming in human life and goes after an interval so try to become happy during this time. So choose fun and joy to face problems, this preference to happy is not means that you refuse all problems but face them with strong mind.

It is very easy to decide that whether you can now face troubles or not and what you did in you past, face bravely or not.

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How To Take Good Care Of Your Marriage

By Sheila Mathews

Relationships are not easy to maintain but are even harder when couples do not communicate with each other properly. Many relationships break down due to the lack of communication which is a major factor in arousing feelings of loneliness, frustration, and bitterness - nothing good for a relationship.

By contrast, couples who communicate successfully with each other usually have balanced and harmonious relationships. They are able to express love and appreciation freely which are factors that strengthen a relationship.

To improve their lines of communication, couples should be willing to change their communication patterns. With open hearts they should be mindful of the ways that they come off to each other in their speech and in their actions as well as reactions. Bad communication habits should be eliminated and replaced with successful ones.

Many times words and actions are opposite of each other. While nice words might come out of the mouth, the actions that accompany it can be negative. When this happens, the listener is drawn more to interpreting the actions as opposed to words.

An example is when you compliment her jacket but say it with a frown. This is an instance when words do not match the action. The action invalidates the words and thus becomes the opposite.

Sometimes, couples do not notice that they are sending out these conflicting signals. Soon, the method of communication becomes habitual and they end up being unsatisfied with being around each other. Arguments then erupt.

If couples are really committed to their relationship, then they need to make a conscious effort to change the way they talk to each other. Patience, love, and a desire to better the way they related to each other are needed. Though it may sound simple, changing the way you communicate can actually be a hard process.

One way to make the process easier is to go to a relationship councilor who can work with the couple to point out where they start sending wrong messages. These people are trained professionals who can give clarity to their communication deficiencies and suggest ways to modify or resolve it.

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How To Know When It's Time To Go To Couple Counselling

By Areelitaha Joahlanski

Making the decision to go to couple counselling is a big step. For some couples it is an easy choice to make and for others it can be a difficult decision. The most important thing is that couples get the help they need when they need it.

There are many reasons why couples may need counseling. Some couples may need counseling because they are not getting along well. Others may need to go to counseling to resolve some issues that they have from a previous relationship. Either way it is important that couples find a counselor that meets their needs

There are many places to start looking for a counselor. Couples can look online for reviews of local counselors. They could also look in their local yellow pages to find a counselor. On occasion the best referrals come from family and friends.

Since counseling is a private matter, for most people, looking online for reviews may work best. Couples might try online question and answer sites, internet forums or, review boards. Often time's couples will be able to find out lots of information about different counselors by doing this.

Family members and friends are a great place to get referrals for local relationship counselors. It can help to put couples at ease, knowing that a cretin counselor helped someone that they know and love. Some couples may feel uncomfortable speaking with their family about their private issues. If a couple feels uncomfortable speaking with their family or friends they should look for reviews elsewhere.

Most big cities will have a great selection of local couples counseling services. These can be found in the local yellow pages. If the couple lives in a small town they may only have a few choices for counseling services. The phone book is a great resource for finding the perfect couple counselor.

It is important that couples are comfortable with the counselor that they choose. If one the parties are uncomfortable it may be a good idea to find someone else. For counseling to work it needs to be a mutual agreement.

Couples should not worry when they are going to couple counselling. If they find themselves anxious they should try some relaxation techniques before they go. They could try deep breathing exercises, yoga, or listening to their favorite song. The most important thing is that people do what works best for them.

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