
Covert Hypnosis--Hypnosis Techniques Practiced In Dysfunctional Families

By David Drake

Covert hypnosis is being practiced all of the time around you. People are using it in relationships, advertising, and even politics. It must be deeply considered that people who use covert hypnosis in many real life scenarios do so accidentally. Their actions are hypnotic because their actions alter your state of mind to a degree that empowers them to interfere with your decision making patterns.

When people use covert hypnosis techniques instinctively, this is often the result of a person's instinctive nature to influence and persuade other people in indirect ways. A classic example of covert hypnosis being practiced accidentally could be a dysfunctional family. Dysfunctional families, needless to say, are not good things, but there are still powerful hypnotic secrets that reside in every dysfunctional family.

Dysfunctional families use literally every single hypnosis technique in the book to manipulate, to control, to get needs met, and to defend against the control methods of other family members. Certain members of the dysfunctional family are the controllers and manipulators, whilst some members of the family are the defenders who are trying to get their needs met. What this reveals is that even in dysfunctional families hypnosis techniques are used for different purposes.

Oddly enough, the covert hypnosis techniques that are applied by members of a dysfunctional family are not only strategic but also linguistic. Scientific studies have shown that members of dysfunctional families are using embedded commandments, hypnotic presuppositions, frame control, hypnotic story telling, and even hypnotic ambiguities to converse with each other. These observations have unlocked one very powerful mystery about covert hypnosis.

The secret is that in order for covert hypnosis techniques to be successfully used, that you must first have rapport with the person whom you are attempting to hypnotize and persuade. The more rapport you can establish with a person, the more deeper your covert hypnosis techniques will influence them. For that reason dysfunctional families are very skillful at using hypnotic forms of communication, because the members of the dysfunctional families have strong rapport with the members of their households.

Most covert hypnosis practitioners overlook the need to establish the foundation of rapport with a person. This means that they try to use covert hypnosis techniques to influence and persuade people without first using their hypnosis tactics to get to know people so that they can establish rapport with them. There are many different ways a hypnotist can establish rapport with a person, but the best way to do this is to simply build agreement between you and the person whom you are attempting to hypnotize.

By observing dysfunctional families and how they correspond, Dr. Jonathan Conrad Groves was able to know covert hypnosis on much more deeper levels than it was ever previously understood. Dysfunctional families, like public speakers and television evangelist, are using covert hypnosis tactics to influence and persuade people, whether they are aware of it or not.

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