
Perfect Relationships Between The Sexes Utilizing Zodiac Thinking

By David Dibble

As confirmed in my book, CTypes: Models for Relating Between Couples at All Stages of the Relationship, very important elements of the mind-set of both men and women incorporate a Masculine Mind, which thinks in addition to a Feminine Mind which feels (feelings). However, the identification of a male exists chiefly with the Masculine Mind, and the identification of a female exists mostly in the Feminine Mind. Because men in general are paying a lot more attention to reasoning and women normally are paying considerably more attention to feelings and emotions, a communication gap relating to the sexes naturally exists.

As well as paying far less consideration to feelings and much more to thoughts, males are also more leery of expressing emotions at the time they have them. They will thus tend to suppress their feelings through thinking. Women, however, will accept their feelings and emotions and communicate them more than men. In this manner, because their identity is within the Feminine Mind, females traditionally connect, form relationships, and express a great deal more than men. To women, feelings and emotions are much more essential than reasoning and logic.

All the same, for both men and women, emotive energy is where the action will be. It is this emotional energy, the Feminine Mind, which decides the condition of connections between men and women. How do you recognize a partnership is working? You feel it. How do you recognize a relationship is cascading apart? You will feel it. Emotional energy decides the quality of relationships and is crucial in creating intimate relationships. Negative thoughts contain along with them destructive emotions. Positive thoughts carry along with them positive feelings. Limiting thoughts cause separation and positive thoughts are desirable and by natural means deepen a relationship. It is all in the way that we think.

Zodiac Thinking and Relationships Between the Sexes

Every person comes into the world designed to think in a certain way. This way of thinking is established by the day, time and place of birth and corresponds to the sun signs of the Western Zodiac. A Virgo will not think like a Scorpio or any of the other sun signs of the Zodiac. For example, Virgo thinking is described as Inwardly Directed Will or as a Virgo CType. Scorpio thinking is described as Inwardly Directed Discrimination or as a Scorpio CType. Virgo and Scorpio CTypes are surely different ways of thinking. All 12 sun signs of the Zodiac think in a different manner and it is this thinking that shapes the quality of connections between the sexes. We designate this wide variety of thinking, Zodiac Thinking.

Improving and Deepening Relationships With the Opposite Sex With Zodiac Thinking

To be a magnet for a wonderful relationship, or heal or enhance an existing relationship with the opposite sex, we have to correct the thinking that has prompted our troubles with the opposite sex. CTypes contains within its brilliant body of knowledge the path for producing these kinds of modifications in our Zodiac Thinking. Attracting Mr. or Ms. Right or mending an existing partnership between the sexes is just a new thought away.

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