
Colic Relief For Babies And Parents

By Amber Woodard

While the word colic comes from the word kolikos in Greek, which means suffering in the colon, pediatricians know little about what causes and what cures colic. While no permanent cure exists, many options for colic relief can bring comfort to baby and peace of mind to parents.

The Colic Diary

As a first step, keep a diary of symptoms. Write down the time of day, the frequency, and the triggers of crying. Make a note of what works and what does not work to comfort baby. If she cries after being fed, record the type of formula that you used and the position that you held baby in while she ate.

Sometimes, colic is associated with food sensitivity. For breastfed babies, foods like dairy products, caffeinated beverages, cruciferous vegetables, and spicy foods, when eaten by the mother, can cause discomfort. For formula-fed babies, consider the idea that your baby may have an allergy to the type of formula that you are using and consult your pediatrician when making a change.

Tips for Comforting Baby

First, try feeding baby more often, giving her half of the amount of formula or breastmilk two times as often. This way, baby consumes the same amount but in quantities that her tiny tummy can more easily handle. Second, try holding your baby in your lap, laying her on her back, and bicycling her legs, moving them toward and away from her body. You may also place her stomach-down on your forearm, with her cheek against your palm and her legs dangling on either side of her elbow. Press into her abdomen gently with your forearm. If neither of these techniques work, place her on the floor or on the bed, face-up, and massage your baby's abdomen, starting on her left side and following a U-shaped curve down, to the right, and up over her colon.

If your touches don't work, try to lay baby stomach-down over a beach ball, medicine ball, or large cushion. If you do this, be sure to turn her head to the side so that she can breathe without obstacles. Finally, try a warm bath. Sometimes, this can bring relief.

Your baby needs your full attention during periods of colic. Make a note, from your diary, of the time of day that crying usually begins. Prepare meals ahead of time and complete all chores so that your full attention is on comforting baby. If you have reached your limit, ask your spouse, partner, parents, or friends to relieve you for a while. Never hesitate to contact your pediatrician for additional ideas and for questions that you may have.

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