
Online Dating Profiles: Examples Of What To Include

By Michael Kendricks

Ever wondered what to write in your online dating profile? I know I used to. In fact I would rack my brain for days trying to come up with something good. Through the years, and after many fails, I started to understand what type of profiles allow you to get more response from women. I want to share those examples of what to include in your online dating profile in this article.

Now, I would bet anyone who knows what they're talking about can tell you that you have to stand out from the tons of other men sending emails to women. Many may not tell you exactly how to do that however. Mr. Joe Blow, who talks about his affinity for lizards and snakes all through his profile will stand out, but not in the way he wants to.

So clearly you want to stand out in a good way. If you write something that women will remember about you, you will come across as an actual human rather than just words on a screen. If you follow the steps below in a well written way you will be someone she wants to respond to, and eventually meet.

Now let's go ahead and get into examples of what to write in your online dating profile.


You will get many more responses if you include something your passionate about in your dating profile. As long as it's not something generally considered really weird, like collecting Star Wars figures, it will make your profile much more exciting. Thus making it more likely to catch a woman's eye, or convince her to respond to your email.

Communicate Positive Qualities

This includes showing women you are well adjusted and have a sense of humor. Also that you are confident and have a busy life with a bunch of things going on in it.

Now, anyone can think of a list of great characteristics and write it in a dating profile, but if it really shines through by the way you write your profile it will be much more effective. For example, stating clearly why you're on the dating website, what you're about and what you're looking for will make you appear confident. So will leaving out any wishy-washy or insecure comments like "I don't know what to write on this thing". The effect of confident writing will be much better than simply stating you're confident.

Write Descriptively

Most profiles that I've seen tend to be an outline of general interests and adjectives. It makes for a very generic and boring profile to read. What's more interesting is to pick a few things and really expand on them.

If you're a bit of a chef you can describe some of the things you've cooked recently or what you'd like to make soon.

Giving a woman a picture of what you're like in her mind stands out much more than a list of qualities that may or may not be true about you. You really don't have to go too crazy here because a descriptive profile will automatically stand out among the others out there that are 95% crap.

Keep It Light

Remember to keep it positive, light and playful. This doesn't mean you can't include anything serious but keep the overall mood light.

Remember this is your first impression. If you were to meet someone out at a bar and they started unloading all this serious stuff about world hunger and their dying cat in the first minute, you'd probably be turned off as well.

This is that initial communication. It's that first minute or two in a bar or a grocery store. If you can effectively keep it light and playful for now, you will probably be someone she wants to get to the serious stuff with...EVENTUALLY.

Use Appropriate Grammar and Spelling

Would you be shocked to discover that many women will instantly dismiss your profile if you have bad grammar and spelling? Well, it's true.

Now some are definitely more anal about it than others. The women that are super uptight about it, like the ones that have a spaz attack if you don't use the apostrophe on the word "its", probably are best to avoid anyway. Yes, I did just say "spaz attack".

However, spelling things right and utilizing the basics of good grammar are still very important to most women. So yeah, you need to use all those annoying little periods and commas. A spell check would be a nice touch as well.

I can guarantee you will start seeing better results from women online when you include these elements in your online dating profile.

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