
The Cause Of Marital Affairs

By Bianchen Zhua

Marital affairs are not an uncommon event. They happen in many partnerships and can cause extreme heartache and feelings of despair. They cause hurt, humiliation, feelings of betrayal and intense feelings of deception.

The thought of sexual acts that have taken place is what affects a person most. This is because of the violation of trust that it reminds one of. At some point a feeling of anger will raise its head and often when this is joined with the feeling of humiliation and betrayal, reconciliation may be impossible.

Often the reason why it happened will be asked. The betrayed partner will want to know what caused this to happen. They will want to know how long the affair has been going on and the circumstances surrounding the initiation of the affair.

Affairs are not always based on sex. They are often based on people's emotional needs not being fulfilled. Intimacy is a very important aspect of marriage. This is an emotional, spiritual and sexual link between two people.

All individuals want to be loved and cherished. They want their partner to value and respect them. These are the feelings that are betrayed when one of the partners has an affair. There has to be effective communication channels between the partners. This will stand them in good stead for them to face all the daily emotional family and life pressures that people have to endure nowadays. When one forms a life partnership with another, this commitment is essential if the relationship is to survive. It will also prevent one of the partners from seeking this type of need fulfilling situation outside of the marriage.

Affairs can destroy a marriage if there is no other emotional reason for a couple to stay together. Often discussing the reasons why the affair took place may help. However, partners will only be able to discuss those reasons rationally if they have a deeper level of commitment and understanding between them.

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