
Is Your Relationship Idealistic Enough?

By Alex Shant

Everyone wants to have a calm life. Everyone wants to be with a person without having so many problems. Everyone wants a relationship that is blissful and has less fights and issues. The question is, how to partners achieve this? The answer to this is actually very easy. All you have to do is to be calm, be grateful, honest and accept your partner.

Appreciate your partner at all times. Tell him you love him every day. Constance appreciation is a one of the key to less fighting. It is because appreciation leads to happiness which leads to calmness. Aside from telling him you love him, tell him that you are very happy to be with him. This way, you are appreciating not only him as an individual but the entirety of your relationship as a whole.

Be calm at all times. When you start to get grumpy and moody, divert your emotion to other things. It is helpful to breathe when you are still a verge of getting angry. When you are annoyed, be silent and never divulge words you do not mean.

Be honest to him. Honestly is still the best policy. Tell him that you your feelings when you are happy or sad. But tell him in such a way that you show some respect and make sure you don't start and argument. Be honest in such a way that you encourage the best of the two of you and not to show the pits.

Accept your partner. He makes mistakes and so do you. He has flaws and so do you. Never ask things that you know he cannot give. Never ask him to change. Instead, influence the situation to the best of the interest of both of you. After all, your main goal is to make your relationship work to the very end.

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