
Looking for Love

By Alex Shant

Everyone wants to love and be loved in return.It is a very profound human need. But how do we get it? You can't just force someone to love you the same weight that you love them too. But what is true is that if you want someone to love and love you back, you don't just wait there because you have to do something about it. Today more and more people are perusing the Internet looking for love.

Men and women alike are searching for that special someone. Is the Internet reliable enough to go on searching for love? If you want to use the Internet to date you have to be smart, sexy and savvy. Here are the 8 most common mistakes that people make on dating sites.

1. Most people don't appreciate their selves. If you don't love yourself you will attract someone who will treat you badly and not respect you. Before you go looking for love, make sure that you are ready and not lonely. Love is the foundation of all our relationships including the one you have with you. Saying bad things about yourself does not serve you. Stop doing it. Right now. Make a contract with yourself to only say positive and loving things to you. Until you really love and accept yourself as you are, you will not find unconditional love. Unconditional love comes from within.

2. Be yourself. It is very easy to post someone else photo with a gorgeous fit body and full head of hair. Yet is this surely you? If your photo is not 3 months or less, it is not considered current. Get a friend to take a photo of you fresh-looking, shave (for men) wear earrings and dressed nicely, with make-up if you wear it and your hair blown dry (for women). This is your best face you are putting out here. Be confident and show the world how beautiful you are as a person inside and out.

3. Saying you want a life partner when you just want sex. If you are not honest about this, your whole relationship is based on a lie. Some people are looking for love and a long-term relationship that leads to marriage, but not everyone wants the same thing. Some people are handling with life issues and cannot have a relationship or don't want to. So straighten out what you want before committing to someone you're not willing to.

4. Treat others as you want to be treated. If you are not interested in a date, do not lead them on and continue e-mailing or dating them. Don't let someone become more vested in a relationship that you have not interest in other than your own personal boredom and loneliness. Be kind, respectful and polite. If you need to tell someone you are not interested. You don't have to be rude, or mean. Just think of how you would like to be told. Use the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

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