
Honesty Is Essential To Get Your Ex Back

By Molly Laws

If you and your ex have broken up and you are frantically trying to think of some way to reverse the situation then you need to stop for a second and make sure are being honest with yourself.

Think about why you are so desperate to get your ex back. Because for many people getting their ex back is not a matter of love, it's a matter of jealousy. It's the green monster.

People who are motivated by jealousy are not concerned about what is right for their ex. They only want to renew the relationship because they hate imagining their ex with someone else.

Try your best to separate love from jealousy in your thinking. Your mind can play tricks on you but make every effort to be clear in your thinking because if you are really motivated by jealousy your efforts are probably doomed to failure.

When you are as sure as you can be that your reasons for wanting your ex back are not motivated mainly by jealousy then you have a some more honest thinking to do.

Think about why the relationship broke up in the first place. And be honest with yourself. This is no time to play the blame game.

No matter what the ultimate reason for the break up was you must shoulder some of the responsibility.

Because believe it or not, if the blame is mostly yours you have a much better chance of reversing the split and getting back together.

How can that be you say?

You can't change your ex. So if you bear no responsibility for the ending of your relationship then there is nothing you can change to get your ex back.

But if you are mostly at fault then you can make corrections that your ex can see and that will hopefully lead to reunion.

Be honest with yourself. Do your best to understand why you want your ex back and what you did to cause the break up and you have a great chance of getting your ex back.

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