
Tips For Women In Looking For Their Perfect Mate

By Martin J. Kipp

Some men may think that women don't have it hard when it comes to finding a mate. They believe that if a woman really wants a man all she has to do is put on some lipstick. This is far from the truth. Putting on a show may attract a man but a woman needs to be selective. The reality is good men aren't that easy to find.

There are a lot of reasons why a woman may be dateless. It could be by choice or it may have to do with a lack of self esteem. If you're a woman looking for a man, here's some information that may help you find love.

Start your search with a positive attitude. Being negative never helps. If you are negative and you do manage to attract someone it will probably be someone with the same outlook on life. That can be depressing. Men are usually attracted to a positive spirit. Use that knowledge to find someone special. 

Once you adopt a positive attitude, you will enjoy a variety of benefits beyond an improved love life. It will likely make your life more pleasurable and others will want to be around you more. 

In your search for a guy, it doesn't hurt to utilize some age-old flirting techniques. I'm talking about eye contact, brushing your arm against his and licking your lips. Nothing too overt or vulgar.

Don't get drunk on your date and cross the line. Men won't respect you if they think they can have you easily. It's an old-fashioned way of looking things but that doesn't make it less true. So go ahead and flirt but do it the right way. It can be fun and ease tension during a date. Your date will know by your flirting that you like him and if he likes you it will make things more comfortable.

Most importantly, you have to get started. Don't think men will come to you. Begin an active search and don't be afraid to get turned down. It's all part of the process. If you let yourself be paralyzed by fear of failure you'll never find someone. 

Once you do take that first step, remember that few people meet their soul mates on the first date. It will take time and probably numerous bad dates before you find the right guy. Don't look at the bad dates as having failed, think of them as research. They let you know what you don't want in a guy. The right one will come along in time, just don't give up.

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